A shot in the Dark

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A/N well hello there my little spicy tuna rolls and welcome to part two

Hehe oh u guys are gonna l o v e me



Derek P.O.V

I could feel the blood surging through my veins, it's constant rhythm drumming a monotonous tune in my ears. 'Where was she?'

I couldn't bring myself to think about the pulsating heaviness in both feet, or the painful burn running up my legs- my only thought was of finding the love of my life

The ringing of my phone cut through the silence

I reached into my pocket and silenced the device, whoever it was could wait.

Meredith P.O.V

I still couldn't get my head around it... pregnant

I hadn't even realised

I guess it made sense, Derek and I had definitely been making the most of his office
And the on Call rooms
And the bathroom
And the porch swing on the deck outside...

Okay so long story short we were having a lot of sex

"You thinking about Mcfetus?" Cristina asked


"Well yeah the child needs a name" she answered smugly, lightly punching my shoulder

"Hey you can't punch a pregnant lady" I fake pouted

"I knew it, you get pregnant, you go soft" she joked


We laughed together for a while on the Gurney in the hall we were sitting on, when our pagers blared

"Huh lockdown" Cristina shrugged "probably some psych patient got out"

I shrugged and picked up a chart from the pile in between us

"You don't have to sit here doing my charts" Cris started, "Go tell Mcdreamy about Mcfetus"

I wasn't going to complain so I closed my chart quickly and hopped up

"Actually wait-" she said, jumping up and collecting her charts "I wanna see the bitch baby tears"

The two of us laughed and set off down the corridor in search of Derek

Derek P.O.V

How many times was this person going to fucking call before they realized it wasn't a good time? I silenced my phone for what felt like the 100th time as I frantically searched for my wife

I mean seriously? I had bigger things to worry about than some minor inconvinice that could probably be dealt with by someone else- besides, I wasn't supposed to be changing floors anyway

I sighed before rounding a corner I swear I've passed at least 3 times, and finally saw my gorgeous wife and Cristina walking down the hall. Did they not get the message about the lockdown?

I quickly ran towards them and despite the situation, the sparkle in Mer's eyes when she saw me still made my heart skip a beat. 'Stop it' I reminded myself and came to a stop in front of them

"What are you guys doing we're on lockdown" I chastised quietly, looking for a safe place I could bring them to

"Lemme guess it's an escaped psych patient what's scary about th-"

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