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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

Today's the day. The day we leave to be the opening act for my ex-boyfriend's band. I just hope that Izzy doesn't fall in line with how deeply Nikki is addicted. Just the other day he called me up because he was hiding in his closet and thought there were assassins coming to get him. I just hung up. Izzy and I were exhausted from chasing the guys around. It was horrible trying to get them to pack. And, after that, we did it for the second time. That's right, I gave in a few days ago and had sex with him. Izzy was super happy and it was actually enjoyable for me.

Motley came back to Los Angeles for a few days for a break, so we're going to meet them at the parking lot where the buses are waiting. Tommy said that they normally take their private jet, but they wanted Guns to have the full tour experience. I thought that was nice and a little strange. Why would Motley give up the jet? They could have just given us a bus to ride around in. Sure, it would take us longer to get there, however it would still be the full experience. It is beyond me why Motley isn't just taking their jet.

From beside me, Izzy groans as he wakes up. He stretches his long limbs out, nearly hitting me in the face in the process. I lightly slap his chest, narrowing my eyes at him.

A smile paints his tired face. "What time is it?" He asks in that sexy voice of his.

I look over at the clock that's sitting on the nightstand. "It's 6 in the morning." I sit up in the bed, running my hands through my messy blonde hair. "We really need to get up and get ready. Make sure that we have everything packed."

Izzy just groaned and grabbed a pillow. He holds it over his face, letting out a groan. I roll my eyes. He's such a big baby when it comes to getting out of bed. I swing my legs off the bed and stand up.

I grab my brush from the nightstand and begin to brush out the tangled mess. I open the bedroom door with one hand, the other still running the brush through my hair. I walk down the small hallway into the living room.

I let out a sigh, letting my free hand go to my hip and the brush holding hand fall to my side. I look at the scene in my living room. On the tiny couch is Duff with his long legs hanging off the arm of the chair. In the recliner is Axl who even has a scowl on his face while sleeping. He didn't even bother to take his cowboy boots off. On the floor under the glass coffee table is Steven. He's laying in a starfish position with his mouth hanging open. Classic Stevie. Last, but not least, is Slash sleeping in a sitting position, slumped against the wall with a guitar in his lap. His top hat is falling off and looks silly.

It's going to be hell trying to get these guys up. I take a moment to look around at the mess they made. Their bags are all over the place. A few are even open with clothes falling out of them. You would think they would use their newfound money to buy some luggage that isn't falling apart at the seams.

I just sighed once again, walking to the kitchen with determination. I grab the first two pans that I see. I walk back to the living room where the guys are still asleep. Izzy hasn't even come out of our room yet.

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now