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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

“Do fish sleep?”

I turn my head, beyond confused. “What?”

“You heard me,” Izzy responds.

I look back up at the ceiling. At the moment it is full of stars and bright, pretty colors. “I dunno. Don’t they need to sleep?”

“But you never see them sleep. Even when you walk in at midnight. They are always swimming.” I have a feeling i”m going to lose this argument. Izzy is dead set in his decision.

“But don’t all living things need energy and they get that energy by sleeping?”

“But you never see them sleep!”

“Hey, fuckers,” A voice says from the floor. 

“Yes?” Izzy answers without hesitation.

A head of curls appears at the head of the bed. “Can you two fucking shut up and go to sleep! We’re trying to sleep down here.” There are three groans of agreement.

I giggle which makes my head feel fuzzy. “You know, Iz,” I whisper loudly. Izzy leans in close like it’s the most important thing he’ll ever hear. This makes me laugh harder. “I think it was a bad idea to shoot up before bed.”

“Why do you say that?” Izzy whispers back ten times louder than I was.

“I think the guys are getting mad at us”

“Then the dumbasses should go get their own apartment!” Izzy yells.

“Shut up, Stradlin!” Axl yells back.

Stevie laughs. “Since when do you give a shit if we stay with you?”

“Well. . .,” Izzy trails off. I look up at him and try not to laugh. His face right now is priceless! It seems that he can’t figure out a reason to bitch about the guys staying with us. “This is Reyna’s apartment! You didn’t even ask if you guys could stay.”

I snort out a laugh. “You know full well that I don’t care if they stay with us. Sure, I wish they wouldn’t be in our bedroom, but whatever.”

“But now we for sure will never get any time alone.”

“Ooooh,” Duff and Stevie say in unison. Without even looking at them I know they’re looking at each other and have smirks on their faces. 

“You two like to have sexy time?” Stevie asks. I smile because I can hear that contagious smile in his voice.

I roll my eyes. I open my mouth to respond, but Izzy cuts me off.

“I don’t think that’s any of your damn business,” He grumbles. 

There’s silence through the room and I start to feel uncomfortable. I hate to even imagine what’s going through those two dumbasses’ minds right now. 

I hear little giggles coming from the floor. Those two are goddamned teenage girls I swear! 

“You two haven’t had any sexy time, have you?” Duff giggles.

In one weird motion, all four of them sit up with Cheshire Cat grins on their faces. It’s like I’m in a horror movie and they’re possessed. 

Izzy and I remain silent. 

This makes Slash burst into laughter. “She’s totally cock-blocking you isn’t she Iz?”

Izzy scoffs. “What makes you think it’s her?”

“In all of the years I have known you, you haven’t went without having sex for more than a week,” Axl laughs. “It’s more than obvious that Rey is the cock-block.”

I sigh. I really don’t like them talking about my sex life like that. I am not a cock-block! Sure, Izzy and I have been together for about four months now, but who says you have to have sex within the first few months? I don’t know why I’m being so uptight about it now. I wasn’t with Nikki. Maybe I’m just trying to go slower this time. And maybe that’s because I want this relationship to last. 

“Is it a crime to want to wait?” I ask, feeling my cheeks heat up from both embarrassment and a tinge of anger. 

Axl sniggers, shaking his head. “What does it matter if you’re not a virgin anymore?”  

“Because most men only want women for sex and I don’t want this relationship to end up like the last one!” I say, feeling myself getting more and more heated. “And don’t you dare act like you guys don’t use women because I’ve seen all of you do it firsthand. Just because I’m drunk doesn't mean I don’t remember.” 

If I was sober I wouldn’t be saying all of this. Now it’s all just word vomit and I’m saying everything that comes to mind. It’s hard for my eyes to adjust in the dark room. The only source of light is the moonlight coming through the window and the lights of the Strip. There’s enough light to see the guys faces and the outlines of their bodies. But, who am I kidding? If the light was bright I’d be puking my lungs up.

“Sugar,” Axl smirks. “That’s just what it means to be a dirty rockstar. We have an image to maintain. We always have more than one girlfriend.” I try not to throw up as Axl winks at me. Is that really how they view women?

Duff shakes his head. “No, girlfriends are for shelter and food since we barely make enough to eat one meal a week.”

This resonates with me. Izzy started staying with me only a few weeks after we started dating. I don’t make him help pay rent or anything. I never make him pay for anything. Is that why he stays with me? 

It’s like Izzy can read my mind. “Don’t listen to those assholes. They don’t know anything about being in a relationship where they actually love the other person.”

“But you were like that too, weren’t you?” I sigh. “I’m tired of being lied to Izzy.” God, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation while in bed and with the rest of his band lying on the floor. 

“Yes, I was like that.” This makes my breath catch in my throat. “But when I met you, all that changed.”

“Oh my god, Stradlin!” Slash howls. “You sound like such a chick!”

“Shut up!” Izzy yells. He takes my hands in his. “I love you, Rey. No matter what those dicks say to you.” He kisses my hands, making my heart melt. 

“You really are cheesy, Stradlin.” I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

“Oh God!” Stevie yells. “Don’t have sexy time while we’re in the room!”

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now