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^The Video Above Is Reyna Singing^

^The Video Above Is Reyna Singing^

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Reyna ●

“Do you really have to play this shit? Anything other than ABBA would be better,” Axl groans. He grabs the shot of whiskey I had sat in front of him and downs it one go. He slams the poor shot glass down onto the bar.

I roll my eyes, continuing to clean the glasses. It’s before opening and us workers were trying to set up when the five idiots and Alex showed up.

Alex sits in Izzy’s lap, who’s looking even more angry than normal. I haven’t even spoken to him today. When Alex leans in to give him a kiss, he only turns his head. I wonder what crawled up his ass and died. 

“I don’t know,” I say, a small smile on my face. “I bet I could change your mind on that.”

Axl smirks. “Is that code for something naughty?”

I blush, shaking my head. 

Duff laughs, taking a swig of the vodka bottle he had me give him. They’ve been here for fifteen minutes and half of the bottle is gone. It’s a gallon bottle. I’ll have to have a talk with him about that later. 

“I think,” Duff hiccups. “That she means that she’s gonna sing.”

Steven’s eyes brighten up immediately. “Rey you really should! I remember your singing voice being so pretty!” Steven’s words seems to have caught the attention of Mr. Grumpy. His eyes are locked on me, deepening the leftover blush from Axl’s words earlier.

“I-I don’t know,” I stammer. “I haven’t sang in front of anyone in a long time. I probably sound like shit.”

“C’mon, Rey,” Slash begs, a teasing smile on his face. “Show us all the beautiful singing voice Steven goes on about.”

“I didn’t say beautiful,” Stevie says. 

Slash ignores him, keeping his eyes on me. I blush even deeper with all the eyes on me. I’m normally not embarrassed easily. However, getting on stage with everyone’s eyes on me scares me.

“A-Alright,” I say, looking up at the band that’s setting up. “I’ll see if they’ll play a song.” I never back down from a challenge. To be honest, I think that’s why I put up with Izzy.

I set down the glass I was cleaning, exiting from behind the bar. I walk up to the band. I’m fully aware of the six pairs of eyes on me. I wish they’d stop looking at me. I’m nervous enough as it is. In my peripherals I can see Chelsea and Leo enter the bar. Why does Rob let so many people that don’t even work here come in before opening?

“H-Hi,” I stutter, smiling. The band all look up at me. “Can you play a song for me?”

“Sure,” A guy with curly hair answers. “What do you want us to play?”

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now