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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

And just like that, Izzy is right back sneering at me every time we make eye contact. Gone was the sweet guy that got me a gig as their manager. Back is the jerk that hates my guts for a reason that I cannot fathom. I miss the Izzy before we had that argument. He was the sweetest. I can see why Alex is so stricken by him. 

Speaking of Alex, she’s been off all night. I’ve seen her try to talk to Izzy, but he just shrugged her off. After the fourth try, she stopped. She’s just been swirling her iced water around with her straw, resting her face on her palm. I haven’t seen her smile since my performance earlier. 

I sigh, deciding to be a good friend. This might go badly. I haven’t tried to comfort anyone in a long time.

I walk from behind the bar, going towards the table the guys staked as theirs. I make eye contact with Izzy again, who looks a bit surprised that I’m coming over. However, that surprise was quickly replaced by anger. I roll my eyes at him. I go next to Alex, who’s sitting in between Izzy and Axl. 

I lean down. “Do you need to talk?” Alex jumps, obviously not expecting me to be there. I smile apologetically at her. “Sorry. I just thought you needed someone to talk to. We can go outside if you want. Or even in Rob’s office. He doesn’t mind.”

“Uh,” Alex says, shaking her head. She forces a smile. She has a very convincing fake smile. But, I can see the sadness in her eyes. “Yeah, actually. Can we head outside? I need a smoke.”

I nod, backing up so that she can stand up. She doesn’t even glance at Izzy as she walks away. I look back at Izzy, who has a confused expression on his face. He looks at me and begins to get up. I shake my head, signalling for him to sit down. I follow Alex who’s almost out the door already.

When I finally push past all the people and make it outside, I find her leaning against the wall with a cigarette between her fingers. She takes a drag as she spots me.

“What’s up?” I ask her. “You’ve been so quiet all night. I may have not known you for long, but I at least know you’re a talkative person.”

I take my own cigarette pack out of my back pocket. I light it, taking a drag.  

“And you won’t tell anyone?” She asks.

I shake my head. “Anything you say stays between us.”

She nods, taking a deep breath. “It’s just Izzy. He’s been so distant from me the past couple of months and I don’t know why. Tonight’s been the worst night. He won’t look at me. He’s either staring at his Jack Daniel’s bottle or glaring at you.” She rubs her face with the hand that’s not holding the cigarette. “I don’t know what his problem is with you! I can’t even get him to open up when we’re at my apartment.”

I shrug, leaning against the wall. “Maybe you just need to make him listen.”

Alex is quiet for a long time, taking multiple drags to settle her nerves. I don’t like her silence. It’s as if she’s trying to get the courage to say something. I have a feeling what she’s going to say isn’t going to be good for either of us.

“I think he really likes you.”

Now that takes me by surprise. I start to laugh, causing Alex to look at me with a confused expression. “I’m sorry,” I giggle, covering my mouth. I take another drag before speaking. “I just think that’s the craziest thing I’ve heard today.”

“Why is that so crazy?” Alex sighs. “It’s pretty obvious.”

“For one, have you seen how he treats me? He hates me for some reason. And he’d have to be insane to let someone as amazing as you go.” 

Alex doesn’t say anything, her eyes looking past me. I turn around to see Izzy standing there. There’s no doubt that there is guilt written all over his face. Good. He should feel guilty for how he was treating Alex. 

I frown at him. “You need to sort this out with her, you understand? I don’t like seeing my friends upset, especially over some guy.”

I go to walk away from the couple, but Izzy grabs my arm, stopping me from leaving. I turn my head and glare at him. He is not fazed by my withering glare whatsoever. 

“Let go of me Izzy.”

“No,” He says, sounding rather bored. “I need to talk to you.”

“No,” I say, ripping myself from his grip. “You need to talk to Alex. Your girlfriend.”

“It’s alright,” Alex’s voice rings out. Izzy and I both look at her. “You two work things out. I’ll just go inside and see if Axl will give me a lift home.”


“No, Izzy. It’s alright, really. I need you to stop by the apartment later so that we can talk. I mean, really talk.”

With that, she walks away, her shoulders slightly slouched forward. She looks defeated. God! Why is Izzy such an ass?

I turn to Izzy once I see that Alex made it back inside. I cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at the guitarist. “What?”

“I’m sorry.”

This takes me by surprise. I drop my arms down to my sides. “W-What?”

“I’m sorry for being such an ass to you. I was more angry at myself,” He says. He shoves his hands deep into his jack pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. He drops his eyes to the ground. “I felt bad for leading you on like I did.”

“You should feel bad, Izzy. Because now I have feelings that I can’t get rid of and as much as I want to hate you and to hate Alex, I can’t.” I feel tears threatening to overspill. “I can’t hate either of you.” The words came out so quickly, I feel like I can’t breathe. I take a deep breath, looking down at the ground. My once lit cigarette lays there. Huh, when did I drop that?

Izzy’s quiet for a few moments. “I was going to break up with Alex way before you even came into the picture. She’s an amazing girl, she’s just not for me. I need someone who has more fire in them, who isn’t scared to hit rock bottom.” 

“Izzy, you can’t do this.”

“Why not?” He laughs, grabbing my small hands in his big ones. “I really like you, Rey. I hate that I was so mean to you. I know I can be an ass but-.”

“No!” I yell, ripping my hands from his. “You are not throwing your chances away with such a sweet girl just because you think you like me! You’d get with me and change your mind instantly! I know guys like you Izzy and I’m not putting myself through that.” I take a deep breath, tears in full force at this point. I have to say the one thing I don’t want to. “Here’s what you’re gonna do.” I see him wince at how my voice cracks. “You’re going to go patch things up with Alexandria and you’re going to be the best fucking boyfriend to her. You’re going to forget that you ever thought that you liked me.”

I leave Izzy standing outside the Whiskey with tears running down my face.

I can’t believe I just told the guy that I really like to go back to his ex-girlfriend. I’m such a fucking idiot!

But, it was the right thing to do. 

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now