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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

I haven’t seen Izzy for two weeks now. I don’t know if he’s just been busy or he’s avoiding me. Probably the latter. At first, I was impressed. I went over to the guys’ apartment pretty much every day and at random times too. I went over when I had the time, and my work hours can be crazy.

Finally I asked Stevie where he’s been. He said that Izzy has been at his girlfriend’s apartment since the infamous Firework Night.

I didn’t realize that I had scared him off. Maybe I should stop coming around so much. I don’t want there to be a rift between the guys just because Izzy’s mad at me right now.

These thoughts whirl around my brain as Duff plops down next to me on the battered sofa. I don’t pay him much attention. I have to figure out what to do about this Izzy situation.  

“Alright, Rey,” Duff says, snapping me out of my thoughts. “What the hell happened between you and Izzy?”

I blush deeply. I’m embarrassed that he noticed something was wrong. “W-What do you mean?”

“Something happened between you and Izzy. We all know it, so don’t act all innocent. Just tell me what happened.”

I sigh deeply, crossing my arms against my chest. “We had an argument. I was mad because he didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend. He told me that it was none of my business and I said “Fuck you” and stormed off. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night.”

Duff smirks, taking a swig of the vodka bottle that’s nearly empty. “You have a crush on Mr. Isbell don’t you?”

“Who?” Who the hell is he talking about. I’ve never met anyone named Isbell.

Duff laughs, spitting the vodka on the coffee table. “He never told you?”

“Who never told me?”

“Izzy! His real name is Jeffrey Isbell,” Duff explains. “You didn’t really think that was his real name did you?”

I shrug. “He never told me so I just assumed. He really didn’t open up to me, did he? Not like I thought he did. You told me your real name. Slash told me his real name. Hell, even Axl told me his real name.”

Duff’s smile drops. “He probably just wanted to get to know you better before telling you personal stuff.”

I scoff. “I opened up to him. The first night we met actually.” My eyes drift to the TV that’s playing on mute. It’s on MTV and of course Mötley Crüe’s Too Young To Fall In Love music video is playing. “And to answer your question, I don’t have a crush on him.” I shake my head, the thought of Izzy and his girlfriend going through my mind. “Besides, he has Alexandria.”

“You’re totally jealous! And crushing on him!”

“Am not!” I say, an offended look on my face. 

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now