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● Reyna ●

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“That was not how this was supposed to go at all,” Stevie says, his face smeared with black soot from the fire he just put out.

Slash and Steven had the brilliant idea to get a bunch of fireworks and set them off at the same time. Needless to say, I think it was a horrible idea. We’re just lucky that the field that the guys found doesn’t have any trees. We were able to get the fire out before it spread too much. 

I narrow my eyes at the blonde. “How did you expect that to go?”

Stevie shrugs, a sheepish smile on his face. “I thought that it would just give us a huge firework show.”

Duff laughs from his spot on the ground next to me. We both thought it was a horrible idea, so we let the two idiots clean up their mess. “It did give us a big show. The fire was pretty big.”

“No thanks to the three of you,” Axl says, venom in his voice. He’s definitely pissed. 

Izzy sat out as well. To be fair, I think he was about to pass out. He looks more tired than usual today.

I roll my eyes. “You didn’t have to help them. They’re the ones that got themselves into this mess. Why should we help?”

“Because that’s what good friends do,” Axl sneers.

“Oh fuck off, reddie.”

Duff just laughs as he watches Axl. The guy pretty much has steam coming out of his ears. Izzy lays his head in my lap abruptly, his body sprawled out in front of me. I don’t even know how he got in this position without me noticing. 

It’s been a month since that night at the guys’ apartment, and I’ve only grown closer to the morons. They’re so much fun to be around, and I couldn’t stay away for very long. I’ve grown closest to Izzy and Duff. 

Izzy and Duff can be complete opposites. Duff will be loud and outgoing, whereas Izzy will sit quietly, observing everyone. I can have deep conversations with Izzy. If I wanted to have a good time, my go to is Duff. They’re both really sweet guys though. And when I get Izzy to smile it absolutely melts my heart. He doesn’t smile much when it’s not just me and him. 

The guys all make a circle around Izzy. Stevie sits to my right, Duff to my left. Slash next to Stevie and Axl inbetween Duff and Slash. 

I run my fingers through Izzy’s slightly greasy hair. He hums in response, barely being able to keep his eyes open.

“So Rey,” Stevie speaks up, leaning back on his hands. “Any guys in your life?”

“Other than you five idiots, not really,” I respond. I don’t miss the fact that Izzy’s eyes shot open when Stevie asked that. 

“Oh come on,” Slash says. “A pretty girl like you must have guys lined up.”

I blush, shaking my head. “Not me. That’s more Chelsea’s thing.”

“She’s hot,” Axl says, a smirk on his face. 

I roll my eyes. “Well you’d have a fair chance with her. She has a thing for lead singers.”

“You sound bitter,” Slash comments, pulling his curls back into a hairband.

“I’m not bitter.”

“You so are!” Stevie yells.

I giggle at my little brother. He gets so excited over the littlest things. It’s contagious. 

“I’m not bitter. I just hate how she throws herself at guys. It’s a classic valley girl situation. Not getting enough attention at home, so she acts out by partying too hard and sleeping with every guy that shows interest,” I explain. It really is sad watching her night after night, slowly wasting away in the LA party scene. She’s too fragile to handle it and she’s going to break one day. One day soon.

“What about her brother?” Stevie asks.

I furrow my eyebrows. “What about him?”

“Do you like him?”

“No,” I laugh. “He’s nice and all, but not what I’m looking for. He did help me through my breakup three years ago, though.”

“Breakup?” The four guys ask in unison.

Izzy hasn’t spoken a word. I look down, only to find him staring right back at me. He gives me a small smile. So I can trust him. He didn’t tell anyone about our talk on the roof.

“That’s not important,” I say, looking back up at the guys. “Any girls for you guys?” I really want to get off the topic of me. I hate talking about myself and especially my past. It just drags up old memories that I’d spent so much time burying. 

“Not anyone stable, but Izzy’s got a girl,” Stevie says. 

This nearly stops my heart. He has a girlfriend? And here he is laying on my lap like he’s single. Won’t his girlfriend be angry? Why hasn’t he mentioned it?

Then again, why does it matter? It’s not like he’s interested in me or anything. 

I subtly remove his head from my lap by scooting backwards. I pull my knees up to my chest. Izzy sits up, his eyes meeting mine. They’re full of guilt. “That’s nice. What’s her name?”

“Alexandria,” Izzy answers lowly.

I drop my eyes, refusing to make eye contact with him. I’m scared that if I do, I’ll start to cry.

“Rey-,” Izzy starts, but Duff cuts him off. 

“Got anymore fireworks?”

I look up at him in confusion. He only winks, pushing his blonde hair out of his face. I see what he’s doing. 

“That’s a stupid idea,” I say, but Steven already has a bunch of firecrackers out. 

“We can go throw them at cows!” 

I sigh. “You’re not doing that tonight.” I move closer to Duff with a put out looking Izzy on my right. “Can I bum a smoke?” I ask Duff. He pulls out a packet and a lighter. I put the cancer stick in my mouth, letting Duff light it for me. “Thanks,” I say, although it’s muffled.

“Don’t you guys think that it’s time to head home?” Izzy asks. I can still feel his eyes staring at me.

“No, dude,” Slash says. “I think it’s time to get fucking wasted.”

This earns a yell from all of us, including me. Izzy stays quiet.

We all get to our feet. I let the guys walk ahead of me as I look up at the stars. You can see them all the way out here. It’s so peaceful and beautiful, minus the burn marks from the fire on the ground. 

“I’m sorry.”

I look at Izzy. “You could’ve told me. That’s something you should’ve at least mentioned!”

Izzy furrows his eyebrows. “What does it matter anyway? I don’t have to tell you every fucking thing about me. You don't even fucking know me! You're just my best friend's sister!”

I shake my head. “Oh fuck you, Izzy.”

I stalk away, feeling my face heat up with anger. What the fuck is his goddamn problem? He’s such a dick!

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now