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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

“Oh my God!” Chelsea squeals as she rushes into the bathroom.

I groan and put down my eye liner. Seriously, how’d she find her way into my apartment again? I could’ve sworn that I locked the door.

“I’m probably gonna regret asking this, but how the hell did you get in here?”

Chelsea pushes her bleach blonde hair out of her face with a grin. “I came in through the window!”

“So, you pulled a Mötley?” I asked, grinning to myself.

I remember when the Crüe was first starting out back in ‘81. The parties they would throw were fucking epic. Drugs fucking everywhere. You’d have to crawl into the apartment through the fucking window. It was a great time. I’m just lucky that by that time I was nineteen. But, who am I kidding? I would’ve gone to the parties even if I was underage. 

“A what?” Chelsea crosses her arms, her perfect eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

I shake my head. “Nothing.”

“Whatever,” She giggles. She then thrusts a flyer at me, nearly hitting me in the face. Why do I put up with this girl? “Did you know that Guns N’ Roses is playing at your bar tonight?”

I frown. I’m already tired of her. I could take a four day nap with how much energy she takes out of me. “Who?”

“Guns N’ Roses! They performed at the Roxy a couple months ago, and the Troubadour last month! They’re really popular on the club scene!”

I sigh. “Are those the only clubs they’ve performed at? If so then they definitely aren’t popular.”

Chelsea pouts her red lips, a maneuver I’ve seen her use on many guys. I feel disgust rush into my body like waves. Does she seriously think that she can get away with that shit with me. I glare at her.

“I’m not one of your manwhores so quit fucking looking at me like that. Last time I checked, I’m a fucking female,” I growl at her, picking up the eyeliner again.

“You act like a dude,” She says, smirking at me in the mirror.

I roll my eyes. “Just because I don’t sleep with every guy that looks at me doesn’t mean that I act like a dude.”

“No,” She says. The smirk never leaves her lips. “It just means that you're a prude.”  

If she’s not careful, I’m going to stick the eyeliner into her chest. She’s pissed me off. “You do know that I actually hate your guts, right?”

She drops the evil smirk, replacing it with a good-natured smile. “I know, but I like you! I’m hoping one day you won’t despise me and be my friend.”

“I doubt that day will ever come,” I respond, finally finishing my makeup.

I look at the clock that I have hanging in the hallway. I promised Rob that I’d come in an hour early to help Joel set up for the band that’s performing tonight.

“Anyways, to answer your question from earlier, they also performed at Club Lingerie not too long ago,” Chelsea says, following me out of the bathroom.

I pick up my bag that I left sitting on the couch and turn to her. I frown at her again. “Chelsea, what is the big deal about this band? Why do you feel the need to fucking bother me about them?”

“They’re hot!” She exclaims, giggling.

I furrow my eyebrows at her. “You think any guy with long hair and a pair of leather pants is hot.”

“Not true,” She says. Then she really thinks through my words for a moment. “Actually, never mind,” She giggles. “That’s definitely true.”

I shake my head at her, a smile threatening to appear on my lips. Sometimes, she could be enjoyable to be around. Most of the time, though, she’s annoying as hell. She follows me around like a fuckin’ puppy. She has been since she found out I was dating Nikki Sixx back in ‘81. Nikki and I broke up before he left for Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Bark At The Moon’ tour. I wasn’t too upset about him leaving. I was excited for him, actually. The relationship wasn’t too serious anyway. At least, that's what I tell myself.

And Chelsea’s been following me around since.

“Look, Chelsea, I really don’t know why you’re telling me this,” I say, placing my hand on my hip. 

She grins. “I was hoping that you could get me a place up by the stage.”

“You know that it’s first come, first serve. So, if you really want to be by the stage, you might as well come with me now.”

She frowns. “But the Whiskey doesn’t open for another hour.”

“Do you want that fucking spot or not?” I demand, my patience wearing thin.

“Yes!” She squeals, looking genuinely terrified that she wouldn’t get the spot. “I really do!”

“Then get your ass out the door!” I exclaim. I look at the clock once again. It’s fifteen minutes after I needed to be there. “Of course the one fucking time I mean to go into work early, you fucking made me sit around and listen to you fangirl over grown men in leather!”

Chelsea just giggles again. “Hot grown men in leather.” 

I roll my eyes. “Get the hell out of this apartment.”

I follow her giggles as she leaves the small living room. I make sure to lock the door behind me. Chelsea links her arm with mine and chats about Guns N’ Roses some more.

I had to give her some credit. Even when I was being rude to her, her smile never once faltered. She continued to laugh and didn’t let me ruin her good mood. It’s as if she was trying to pass her good mood onto me. Maybe I don’t smile enough.

I have to say, she really reminds me of Stevie. He’d always have a smile on his face, even when he was getting yelled at for something. Even when I would snap at him because I’d had a hard day, he’d joke around with me until I finally laughed. 

I miss my little brother.

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now