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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

"You're an idiot," I giggle, snuggling further into Izzy’s chest.

Izzy laughs. "I'm being serious! I could totally play a hotter Duckie!"

"You know, I'm shocked that you agreed to go see Pretty In Pink with me. And on opening night too. I'm even more shocked that you like it," I giggle again, letting my eyes flutter shut. "And it's a quote on quote "chick flick"."

He pushes me off of his body at that remark, making me fall onto the soft mattress. 

"Hey!" I laugh, watching him roll over onto his side so that he's not facing me.

"I can like chick flicks too," He says in a childish voice. 

I roll my eyes, but decide to play into his game. I lean my body onto his, resting my chin on his arm. I look down at his beautiful face, feeling the familiar butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. 

“So,” I say. “You’re not as ‘manly’ as you  pretend to be.”

Izzy turns onto his back, making me rest on his chest once again. “I never pretended to be ‘manly’.”

“You’re such a liar,” I say, a smirk on my face. 

He doesn’t reply. He just puts his hand on the back of my head and gently pushes my face to his. Our lips meet in a soft, but passionate kiss. The kiss lasts for a few moments, before he pulls away. He playfully kisses all over my face and down my neck. I giggle as I try to push him away from me.

“Stop!” I yell, my laughter still filling the room. “That tickles!”

Izzy laughs against my skin. He positions me so that I lay underneath him. I look up at his beautiful face as my laughter finally fades away, leaving a goofy and love-sick grin on my face. Izzy’s expression mirrors mine. I lift my head up and kiss him again.

When we finally pull away, I let a laugh escape my lips. 


“It’s just weird.”

Izzy furrows his eyebrows, a slightly offended look on his face. “Us kissing? If you feel that way then damn-.”

I cut him off. “Not that, you idiot.” A smirk slips onto my lips. “This is the first time we’ve had more than a few hours to ourselves. The guys have left us alone nearly all day.”

“First time in three months!” He exclaims, a grin on his face. “Are we sure that they aren’t dead?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Either that or they partied too hard. More than likely they’re passed out at the Gardner space.”

“I don’t know how they stay in that place. It’s pretty much like a storage garage. The damn door is metal and opens like a garage!”

“I mean, you guys did build a loft to sleep in.”

Izzy rolls his eyes. “Why would I sleep there when there’s a perfectly good bed here. And there’s a plus of waking up next to you every morning.” He winks, getting off of the bed. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“You’re so cheezy, Stradlin!” I yell after him.

I frown after he's fully out of the room. I know he’s not leaving the apartment. He’s just going to do some ‘maintenance’. 

I hate to say it, but the urge to shoot up comes more frequently as the days pass by. Izzy will slip every once in a while, leaving a needle on top of the trash or a spoon with the residue of the drug on it. It still makes me very happy that he still attempts to hide the drugs from me. I’ve never even seen him make a drug deal.

It’s been a month since the Nikki incident, and I haven’t heard from him since. I’ve seen him at the Gardner space a few times, but he completely avoids me. For that I am thankful. I didn’t want to have to go through constant confrontations every single time I saw him. Maybe he’s changed. It would be a slight change, but still.

Nothing too interesting has happened in the past month. I’ve seen Leo a few times. He still seems really uncomfortable with talking to me after the whole Alexandria situation. He loves Chelsea, but he thinks that this time she’s wrong for thinking I’m a horrible person.

I don’t even know why those two hate me so much. It really wasn’t as big a deal as they made it out to be. At least I don’t have Chelsea following me around like a lost puppy anymore. 

Now she has Alexandria to take her to all the cool clubs and meet the more mainstream bands. The Whiskey really only has rock bands that play. Some more hardcore than others.

Izzy officially moved in about two weeks ago. Nothing really changed except that I had to move my things around so that he would have space. Needless to say that my room is marginally messier. Do guys just enjoy throwing their clothes on the floor? It bothers the hell out of me. I’m also very clumsy so I often manage to trip over a shirt or pair of leather pants.  

I’m definitely in love with that man. Seeing him up on stage or when he’s smiling gives me butterflies. Oh, who am I kidding? I get butterflies every time I look at him! I can’t possibly see how this could go wrong. It’s just too good for bad things to happen. 

The boys have officially been signed to Geffen. They’ve been working on some new material nearly every day. Tom Zutaut insists on talking about Mötley with me since he knew me from when he first found them. It gets very annoying. 

Izzy and I are blissfully happy. That’s something that I ever imagined ever actually happening to me. However, I just can’t shake the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m probably just overreacting. God, don’t let me fuck this up for myself. I love Izzy too much to ever lose him. I may sound like an obnoxious girl that loves her boyfriend too much, but I can’t help it. There’s just something about Izzy that makes me feel so attached. 

He’s my home.

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now