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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

I try to giggle but am almost immediately choked by smoke. I pass the blunt back to Duff, who has a numb smile on his face. He looks like a guy that's feeling great.

"You know," I say, a wistful grin on my face as I lean back against Izzy's chest. I can't remember for the life of me how we got into this position. I sit in between his legs with his arms wrapped around my waist. His head rests on my shoulder, looking out at his friends. "When you guys said that we were going to a party, this is not what I thought you meant."

For the past four hours we've been sitting in the guys' apartment, smoking weed and drinking all the cheap alcohol we can consume. Not that I'm complaining. I'd take this over a loud, gross smelling house party with people that have raging hormones.

Duff smirks at me. Of all the guys, I get along best with him so far. He's so laid back and smart. It's hard not to like the guy. "Is this not good enough for Ms. Sunset Strip?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "It's perfect. I'm honestly surprised that you guys don't have the smack or blow out."

"Why? Do you want some?" Steven moves to get up, but I stop him by shouting no.

Axl chuckles. "Is that too hardcore for you?"

"N-No," I stammer. "That's not it."

Like a wave rushing to shore, memories flood my mind, drowning me. Late nights at house parties of a person I don't even know. Nikki snorting the blow. Nikki and I in his bedroom doing smack.

I feel a tear run down my cheek as I return to the present. Those were the lowest points in my life. I was able to stop before it got to the point of no return.

"Woah," Steven says. "You alright, sis?"

I breathe in a ragged breath that wracks through my entire body. I try not to make eye contact. I know that if I do, they'll be able to read my pain loud and clear. I don't like talking about those times with Nikki. He made sure to drag me through hell and back with him.

"Yeah," I smile, trying not to think of those green eyes that I stupidly fell for. "I'm fine."

Stevie takes my word for it, immediately launching into a story about how a girl randomly gave him her bra one night after finding out that he was a drummer. I tune that out. I don't want to hear about my little brother's sexcapades.

"What's wrong?" Izzy asks in my ear.

I jump, surprised that he spoke. He hasn't said a word all night. I really thought he'd stay quiet all night.

I turn my head so that I can look at his face. My breath catches in my throat as I see how close we are. "I-I'm fine."

Izzy narrows his eyes at me. I hate that people can see right through my lies. "I don't believe you."

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now