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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

My leg bounces up and down nervously as I sit in the studio. The guys are just finishing up a few things for their album: Appetite For Destruction. Appetite releases next month.

The album is really amazing. I can tell that all those late nights are really paying off.

It's been a couple months since the outing with Imperial, who sits beside me with a grin on her face. I never mentioned what I overheard Alexandria and Chelsea saying. I didn't mention that I even saw them. I wanted to wait to see if he would tell me that he was talking to Alexandria without me having to ask.

Why won't he tell me? Is he cheating on me? 

No. That's not Izzy.

Or is it? He didn't even tell me when we met that he had a girlfriend and continued to flirt with me. Could he be regretting his decision to leave her, but just doesn't have the balls to break if off with me?

Did he ever really love me in the first place?

"Rey?" Imperial nudges me. I turn my head, confused at the worried look on her face. "You spaced out really bad. Are you about to start crying?"

I didn't even notice the burning sensation behind my eyes. My throat had tightened as well.

I shake my head, shooting her a reassuring smile. "I'm okay. Just got to thinking."

"Did you ever talk to Izzy about what happened at the record store?"

The smile involuntarily falls from my lips. I shake my head again. "Nope. I was hoping he would tell me himself. I guess I was an idiot for thinking that."

"You don’t think-?"

"That he's cheating on me?" I cut her off. "Yes I do." My confidence in the words falter as soon as they leave my lips. "No I don't." I drop my head into my hands, rubbing my face. "I don't know what to believe. I really don't."

A frown takes over the normal smile on Imperial's face. "I-."

Before she could begin her sentence, the door to the studio bursts open. My eyes widen and my heart drops to my feet.

In walks Alexandria, Chelsea, and Leo. The first two look rather smug. Like Imperial and I are the ones that don't belong here. Leo, however, looks like he was dragged here against his will. He refuses to look at anyone, keeping his eyes on the ground.

Alexandria grins at me. "Wow." Her voice is so sweet it makes me sick. "What a surprise to run into you here."

"Oh really?" I growl.

"Yes! I figured you'd be busy at that bar!"

"Sometimes I am," I say through gritted teeth. "But my boyfriend wanted me to be here to hear the finished product."

"What a coincidence! He asked me to come too!"

The hate on my face is replaced with hurt. "What?"

"Oh." Alexandria lifts a hand to her cherry red lips and feigns surprise. "Did he not tell you?"

I stand up, no longer angry at Alex. Instead, I feel hurt. He didn't even tell me he was still in contact with her. I would've been fine had he just told me.. He didn't say a damn thing.

Suddenly I feel like I'm back to the night where I found out Izzy had a girlfriend. The Firework Night. I feel hurt and betrayed.


I turn my head to see Izzy standing in the doorway leading to the recording booth.

He tries to walk toward me, but I hold both my hands out. He stops in his tracks.

I clear my throat to keep my voice steady. "You could've told me."

With that, I storm out of the studio, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. I can't go back to the apartment. Izzy would find me there. I don't want him to find me right now.

I rush down the sidewalk, bumping into many passersby. They all yelled some profanity as I ran into them. However, I do not care how many people see my actions as rude. Right now, I need to find sanctuary. 

I run to the first place I can think of: the record store.

I enter the store, feeling the tiniest bit better. Immediately my eyes are met with Mötley Crüe’s newest album. Girls, Girls, Girls is exactly what I expected from Nikki. I have no doubt in my mind that he at least wrote three-quarters of the songs.

"You look like you're about to punch that record."

I turn to the voice, happy to see that it's Duff. 

I smile half-heartedly. "It wouldn't hurt to do it. I can't punch that bassist in person."

"You still mad at him for whatever he did to you?"

For the first time last week, Mötley came on and I didn't feel that usual pang of hurt and anger. I watched the Girls music video all the way through and even laughed at some of the things Tommy, Vince, and Nikki would do.

"I don't think so. I think I've finally forgiven him."

Duff grinned down at me. "That's great news."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! He invited us to tour with him!"

I nudge his shoulder, turning back to the records. "And as your manager, why was I not told about this?"

"I know, I'm sorry. We told Izzy to tell you." Duff smiles softly. "We figured he didn't tell you when you never asked us to celebrate."

I huff, rolling my eyes. "I bet he told Alexandria." I can feel Duff's sympathetic gaze on me. "I don't need your pity."

He wraps an arm around my shoulders, giving me a squeeze. "I know. You're so strong. Before you go breaking things off, though, you should talk to him."

"Why?" I snap. "He could've just fucking told me!"

Duff plants a comforting kiss on my temple. "He loves you. He just didn't know how you would react. He made a mistake. I believe Stevie already gave you this lecture so I'll spare you." There's a beat of silence between the two of us. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Rey. After that night on the fire escape, when Izzy punched me for almost kissing you, I was so jealous that he got you. I would've given anything for you two to break up so that I could swoop in and have you for myself." My eyes widen and I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off by continuing. "However, as the weeks turned into months I saw just how happy you two were together. I have never seen Izzy smile and talk this much for the entire time I've known him. Granted, that hasn't been a long time, but still. You make him so happy, Rey." Duff pulls me further into his side. "And he'd be absolutely mad to let you go."

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now