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● Reyna ●

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Reyna ●

"I don't understand why I have to take her shopping," I whine, hugging Izzy from behind.

Izzy rubs my arms with his hands, leaning against me ever so slightly. "Because Stevie really likes this girl." He turns around in my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're kidding, right?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We both know that the relationship isn't going to last. Stevie is too much of a man whore to stay with one girl. Why should I bother getting close with her?"

"You need more friends, Pretty Woman. You don't even have Chelsea anymore since the whole thing with Alexandria." 

I scoff, pulling away from him. "I have plenty of friends that aren't your band, you dick." I cross my arms and glare at the man in front of me.

Izzy smiles teasingly. "Name some, then."

"Well. . .," I trail off. "I have Joel!"

Izzy rolls his eyes. "Babe, we both know you only speak to him at work. Try again."

"I have Rob!"

"He considers you a daughter. That doesn't count."

I huff. "I don't need any more friends, Iz! I'm perfectly happy hanging out with you and the guys." 

Izzy just narrows his eyes at me. I can see the skepticism written all over his face. “What kind of twenty-four year old woman is completely fine with hanging out with her younger brother and his friends?”

“The kind that’s close to her younger brother.” I sigh as Izzy still stares at me with begging eyes. Why does he want me to go out with another girl so bad? Does he really think that I need a friend that is a girl that badly? What signals could I have been possibly giving off for him to think that? “Fine,” I grumble, crossing my arms. “I hate you for this.”

Izzy grins at me, pulling me into his arms despite my reluctance. “No you don’t,” He mumbles into my hair before giving a kiss to my temple.I allow myself to melt into the beautiful man’s arms. The only place that I can truly call home. “You’d better finish getting ready. Imperial should be here soon.”

I furrow my eyebrows. “Imperial? What kind of name is that?”

“What kind of name is Reyna?”

“What kind of name is Izzy?” I fire back, feeling proud of my quickness. 

Izzy stops for a moment to let a smirk make its way onto his beautiful lips. “Touche, my dear. But, we both know that my name is actually Jeff.”

“You never use that name, dummy.”

“I just like Izzy better.”

I roll my eyes, not even sure what direction this conversation has taken. Before I could  open my mouth to respond, a knock sounds at the door.

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now