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● Reyna ●

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● Reyna ●

I chuckle as I watch Chelsea shamelessly flirt with Joel while he tries to take the chairs off of all of the tables. He looks really flustered as Chelsea pushes her boobs out. She changed from the t-shirt and jeans she was wearing earlier to a black dress that is practically a second skin. 

Joel is a real scrawny guy with a short haircut and black rimmed glasses. I’m surprised Chelsea is even wasting any time flirting with the guy. Not that there’s anything wrong with him, he’s quite a nice guy and can be funny if you can get him to speak, but Chelsea goes for rocker guys. She’s all about long hair and tight-fitting leather.  

I take my eyes off the amusing pair as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Rob who looks a bit worried. If he’s worried, that means we’re in trouble. The guy is so laid back about everything! This one time we nearly ran out of booze because we had such a huge crowd. While us bartenders and waitresses were freaking out, Rob didn’t even break a sweat. I have no idea how he did it, but he managed to get us a load of booze.

“What’s up, my man?” I ask lightly, hoping to loosen the tension.

“It’s gonna be rough tonight,” He says simply. The fact that he still doesn’t have even a hint of a smile on his face is freaking me out.

I force a smile onto my face. “Isn’t it rough every night? I mean, remember last night? We had at least three fights. All over the same stripper.”

He still doesn’t smile. I swear I feel my heart drop down to my feet. “No, I mean it’s gonna be real rough tonight.”

“What makes you say that?” I ask nervously. As an old nervous habit, I begin to tug the ends of my dirty blonde hair. 

“There’s gonna be a shit ton of. . .,” He trails off, looking at me intensely. He leans in closely, whispering into my ear, “squealing girls.”

My face immediately drops. I push him away from me, a smile playing on my lips. “Oh fuck off!”

Rob laughs, leaning against the bar. “Language, Rey.”

I roll my eyes. “You had me genuinely scared! Now why would you go and do that!”

He shrugs. “You looked too relaxed. I had to do something to get you on your guard. You’re used to me scaring you by now.”

I laugh at his reasoning. I lightly punch him on the arm, the smile growing even more wide on my face. “I don’t need to be on guard, right now!” I exclaim. I then spread my arms, motioning to the empty bar, save for Chelsea and Joel who are still flirting. Well, Chelsea’s flirting, at least. “There’s no one here to be scared of!”

“But the band will be here any minute,” Rob says, raising his eyebrows. “And I heard they’re a dangerous group.”

I frown, crossing my arms. “Oh, please. There’s no way in hell they’re anymore dangerous than Mötley Crüe.”

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now