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I turn around, my heart stopping at the sight of those familiar green eyes and poof of black hair. Those green eyes widen in recognition.



You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why does he have to show up now? When I'm at my happiest without him?

I look over his appearance. He looks like absolute shit. HIs heroin use has obviously gotten worse. He's skinny as fuck and pale like he hasn't seen the sunlight in a year. Which, to be completely honest, he probably hasn't. Now he doesn't have to have to have a day job to support himself, since he's famous and all. Now he has all the time in the world to get fucked up out of his mind.

Izzy doesn't look nearly as bad as Nikki. Imagine how much hotter Izzy would get if he really got off drugs and stayed on the healthy track.

My mind is pulled away from my boyfriend as NIkki reaches out and touches my arm. On instinct, I rip my arm from his light grasp. He didn't even have his hand all the way around my bicep.

"Why?" My voice shakes with nerves and the urge to cry. I curse myself for feeling so small under his gaze.

"We haven't seen each other in, what, five years? And the first thing you say to me is 'Why'."

"Of course it would be," I snap. "Did you think that I would fucking be happy to see you?"

"I'm happy to see you," Nikki responds, his voice quieter.

I roll my eyes. "I didn't fucking leave you to handle an addiction that normally kills, now did I? I didn't force you to endure any abuse from me, now did I? I never fucking left your side, Nikki, and at the first chance you got you dumped me for fame." I scoff. "You're still just a self-absorbed jackass. Only now you have millions of fans to aerate your already huge ego."

"I feel like a fucking idiot for missing you if that's how you feel about me," Nikki snarls, glaring at me.

This guy cannot be serious. "Let me make something clear. YOU left ME! I was willing to go on tour with you. To travel the world with you. Be happy with you. But you left. You left me without even a goodbye. I got a note saying We're over. Not even an empty apology. You seriously expected me to never move on?"

"You've moved on?" Nikki's face falls, his eyebrows knitting together with hurt. Genuine hurt.

My anger diminishes a little at the sight of him being sad. But then I catch a glimpse of Steven walking towards me and the anger returns at full force. "Of course I have you dillhole! And you have too! I've seen the fucking tabloids! You're everywhere. I had to see you every single time I wanted a pack of smokes or just wanted to get food for the week. You're on the front of magazines everywhere. It finally quit hurting to see your face and now you fucking show up like nothing happened! Like you leaving didn't kill me!"

I might be going crazy, but I swear that I see a hint of regret in his eyes. At this point, Nikki and I are just glaring at each other. Surprisingly, the bustle of the bar didn't stop. No one seems to notice the small fight going on between us. I guess they know that it won't break out into a fist fight.

"Reyna!" A voice yells, interrupting Nikki and I's stare off. Tommy Lee appears beside Nikki, towering over him. He looks the same as ever. Big teased hair, leather pants, and a shirt that doesn't fuckin' fit him. My anger relaxes at the sight of my old friend. I got along with Tommy the best. MIck just saw me as his little sister. "What the fuck are you doing here, you fucker!" Tommy yells, wrapping his arms around me. I hug back, memories from five years ago flooding back. Before all hell broke loose.

"What are you doing here?" I laugh. "You do remember that I work here, right?"

Tommy pulls away, his smile dropping. "You're still working here? You haven't moved on to something fucking amazing yet? What about singing? You're one hell of a singer! You could beat Vinny any day!"

I roll my eyes. "I think Vince is hella better than me. And technically I'm the manager of a band. They just like to handle all the super important stuff for some reason. They don't trust easily." A memory bubbles to the surface of my mind, making me laugh. "The bassist literally wanted to know where his accountant lives."

Tommy chuckles. "They sound like some fun guys."

I nod, a dreamy smile coming over my lips as the memories run through my mind. "They are. My brother is the drummer so that's how I met all of them."

"The little brother you always talked about? You guys finally reunited?" I can hear the excitement building in Tommy's voice. He's always had this childlike excitement that reminded me of Stevie.

I nod again, my smile growing wider. "We're reunited and closer than ever. They come to my apartment all the time."

"Have you moved?" Nikki asks. It seems that he's looking through me, memories running through his brain.

I shake my head. "Nope. Don't have the money to. I doubt I ever will, to be completely honest."

Tommy frowns. I guess it is sad when you think about it. We were all super close before they got the tour with Ozzy. They left, got rich, and could afford whatever they wanted. I, on the other hand, still struggle to have enough money for food some weeks. It sucks living paycheck to paycheck.

"Are you ever coming back?" A happy voice says from beside me.

I don't even have to look to know that my brother is standing there with an uncomfortable smile. I turn my head to look at him.

"Stevie! Let me introduce you to an old friend. Steven, this is Tommy Lee. Tom, this is Steven Adler, my brother." My gaze turns to Nikki. "And standing beside him is the biggest dillhole to ever exist."

Tommy and Stevie shake hands, muttering greetings to each other. Nikki and I are still holding a glare off.

"Well, Stevie, you can get the drinks. I'm gonna go get Izzy and leave," I say, taking one last glance at Nikki, who changed from glaring at me, to being very confused.

I walk back over to the table, my eyes meeting my boyfriend's beautiful brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" Izzy asks, his eyebrows knitting together in worry.

I didn't even realize that my face was hot with anger. "Yes. Are you ready to leave yet?"

He nods, standing up from the table. He doesn't even bother to say goodbye to the guys. They now have girls practically sitting in their laps which distracted them.

Izzy laces his fingers through mine, his eyes looking deeply into my eyes. He's searching for what's wrong. Searching for what could have upset me like it did.

We begin to walk to the door. I resist the urge to take one last look at Nikki as we pass by. Stevie is still talking to Tommy. I shoot the tall drummer a smile, my hand clutching onto Izzy's. We leave the loud bar, starting the short walk home.

I won't let him know about tonight. He doesn't need to know. If he can have his drug secret, then I can have my Nikki Sixx secret.

Book 1: She's A Little Runaway (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now