In Silence, Wings Fly

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Like petals ride the breeze,

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Like petals ride the breeze,

Like waves paint the shore;

Leaves change,

Day breaks,

Like a river's wild course.

As springtime blossoms,

As the mystery of night;

Fog lifts,

Worlds shift,

In a flash of life.

Through the seasons' turns,

Like clouds rule the skies;

Birds call,

Rain falls,

In silence, wings fly.

Do mountains sing majesty?

Do meadows run?

Rocks shout,

Trees bow,

What is the sound of the sun?

Like two feet pounding dirt,

Like two eyes counting stars;

Hearts beat,

Lungs breathe,

And the silence soars on.


A short poem, but I wrote it in one 30 minute sitting. Sorry it's been so long, my flowers. Thank you for the wonderful comments and votes and reads and support! You all are the best <3 I love you so much <3 

I plan to pick up my writing pace again! And please PM me anytime :) 

<3 Rea

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