*World Youth Day Special* What If

14 3 6

Count those stars,

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Count those stars,

Take a glance,

You can hope,

Take that chance;

Free the birds,

Let them fly,

Out the gates,

To the lights.

A small fish,

A big pond,

Just a child,

A short fall;

And they laugh,

And they jeer,

Block them out,

You don't hear.

Hide your thoughts,

Show your heart,

That's what's pure,

Breaks the dark;

Blows a storm,

Through their air,

Make them see,

Have to care.

What is strength,

Raise your voice,

Yes, right now,

It's your choice;

You can't wait,

Life flies by,

Then you'll wish

You'd just tried.

Young are free,

Bold and fierce,

With no fear,

No rear mirrors;

They seek skies,

All the stars,

They can go

Wide and far.

When they're old,

Not quite yet,

They'll never wonder 'what if?'


World Youth Day was created as a way to help raise awareness and bring public attention to the issues youth face around the world. Many of us are so much more blessed than we realize, because so many children and teens across the globe are struggling simply to survive. But, even though their worlds may feel like a universe away, we all share in one aspect: we all dream <3 

This poem is for all the young, bold dreamers out there. Reach for the stars, my flowers. You're never too young to do something great for the world, to be the change you want to see. Why wait? Don't be afraid to fall, because you can get right back up again :) 

Let's fly together. 

Love you all <3 

<3 Rea

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