CH. 8 If looks could kill...

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Dear all, I am finally able to post the complete version of the chapter I had post more or less two weeks ago, as it was just a sneak-peek :-)

It is rather long and I included different POVs and I really hope you will enjoy it, so I will be looking forward to reading your comments and messages as always :-)

THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH for the messages you sent me and sorry for not being able yet to answer them yet, but I really didn't have time and that is the reason I couldn't post earlier. I really would like for you to understand and avoid messages trying to push me into posting, because if I don't have time, they won't change anything. It's great to see how much you all love my stories, but it is really hard to balance everything. I will try my best to post more, but I CANNOT promise it. However, thank you for reading my stories and showing so much interest and love! And THANK YOU to all of my NEW READERS and FANS, WELCOME to my stories!

Anyway, you will see how this chapter is and how it prepares things and future chapters. Let me know what you think!

As for the sneak-peek, the same lovely banner made for me and same song from Eminem.

And I dedicate this chapter once more to my dear Purva194 as she really is a great and dear friend! Big hugs, babbu! :-)

And now, let's enjoy the chapter!


"No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again." Buddha

"If looks could kill, we would be all dead meat."

This without doubts was the general thought that crossed everyone's mind as they stopped in front of the intimidating figure belonging to Oleg Azarov.

The man stood there and observed each of them with granitic and hard expression, assessing each of them for a long moment, for then focusing on Anatoly, being helped by his brother Dmitri and his friend Aleksandr, his other friends, River and Adrian, stood behind them and Adrian as well had signs of a recent fight on his face, but way less visible than Anatoly's, who had a purple and swollen eye, cut lips and dried blood on his face and knuckles. Nothing seemed broken at first sight, but the man standing there in his impeccable suit would not let this accident pass by as nothing. He would make sure to have a proper talk with the responsible person and make sure to have that person pay, pay dearly indeed.

They all kept silent for long and painful seconds as they felt that man's eyes on them, his palpable but contained and well masked ire, his irises darker than usual. They all knew that man was beyond mad. Actually, to be more precise, they all suspected he was rather upset; only Anatoly knew he was dangerously livid and trying to restrain it for the role and position he had in their family. He knew he was screwed. He also knew he wanted to go back and beat the shit out of that dimwit once more, but probably better leave it for now and pipe it down, as that man was about to bury all of them six feet under with just his glares.

Anatoly met Oleg's eyes and gulped. He had already seen them blazing in that way, or more correctly, deepening in black and anger till becoming like two black holes.

Anatoly had seen those eyes already two times in the past; once when they found him on the street after he left the gang and the second time when he had listened to what had happened to him in school with that teacher.

Anatoly gulped again and for a moment prayed to disappear, but at the same time held his head up and stared at the man with equal intensity. He didn't ask for that fight, he didn't ask for being beaten up, but deep inside he knew it was all caused by his twisted past. He swallowed feeling pain in his mouth and Oleg did not miss it. He clenched his jaws and silently took a deep breath to restore necessary calm in his maddened self.

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