Author's Note & Summary Extended Version

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Hello dear all ... so here comes the third book of the "Fire and Ice" series as announced in the status and in the message.

Today I will post the summary and the author's note and this weekend I shall post the prologue, which I really hope you'll enjoy.

For now, I'll be curious to hear what you think of the plot and characters and any idea, questions, opinions you have. Thank you for your messages about this story, because to be honest I was really surprised by the enthusiasm showed for Anatoly and then for Oleg: it's been simply amazing!

Author's Note:

The story is R-rated and that means it contains mature contents and action. It is a manxman story, therefore involves love and sexual action between two adult men. It is suitable for a more mature public.

“Loving you is forbidden” is the third book of the series of “Fire and Ice” and is about Anatoly Denisov, Dmitri’s twin brother, and Oleg Azarov, working for the Denisov family as personal assistant and bodyguard. The story follows “Fire and Ice” (1st) about Travis and Alexi, and “Tricks of Love” (2nd) about Jasper and Dima.

You don’t need to read “Fire and Ice”, but it would be better if you read “Tricks of Love” in order to understand many things.

In this story both characters are adult, as Anatoly is nineteen years old and Oleg is thirty-three years old, about to turn 34, and this means there is an age gap of fourteen years (14 yrs) between the two main protagonists, turning then to 15yrs, and if you don’t feel comfortable with this matter, maybe you better choose another story.

When this book will be completed, I shall begin River and Nic (as Nicholas, Jasper’s older brother) story, the 4th in this series.

About some requests on Kevin and Stevie: I might write a short story about them, but not at the moment, as you can see my hands are rather full. Then about Xander and Jess, yes, I will write a short story as spin-off for them too, as we already have two chapters in the One-Shots books. Any other questions, just ask me!

As already specified in my other two stories, Russian names can have particular ways to be shortened and it is not always easy to relate the nickname to the full name. I think it might be good if I write them down. There are a few variations for a name, but these are probably the most common.

Anatoly-->Tolya; Dmitri-->Dima; Yevgeny-->Zhenya; Aleksandr-->Sasha; Ivan-->Vanya; Sergey-->Seryozha;   Oleg-->Lyoka;    Darya-->Dasha.  

A kind request to some of you that already asked me about this matter: do NOT ask me to add BDSM elements in this story because, 1) I don’t like that subject and I shall never write about it, 2) both characters have personalities, stories and backgrounds that would completely clash with such practice and would only ruin their relationship and characters and feelings, 3) we need to understand the complete reality and picture of that life-style and not seeing it as just something to lightly have in a story to add some spice.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

The story takes place in New York a few months after the chapter of “Tricks of Love” (CH. 27 part 1 and part 2) where Anatoly left the gang.

For the gang’s name and tattoos, I made a bit of research, but of course the name and the symbols are not based on real facts, but simply a product of fiction.

The whole story and characters are not based on real facts and persons, but it’s entirely based on fiction and imagination. The entire story is a product of fiction.

The story and characters belong only to the original author, me, TheWitchAndTheCat.

Copyright © 2013 by TheWitchAndTheCat


I really hope you will enjoy this new story and I will be looking forward to reading your comments and messages. And please don’t worry about writing long comments: I totally love them!

A huge and sincere THANK YOU to all of you for being such incredible and enthusiastic fans and readers; I think I already said this many times and I am afraid you might think it sounds old, but… it honestly means a lot to me. Thank you!!!

Covers designed by Klovis and Azer90, banners from Klovis and Maria231000: THANK YOU!!!

If you want to create banners for this story, feel free, I will sure love to see and post them!

On the right a cover designed by Azer90: thank you very much!!


Summary, extended version:

“There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.” Mark Twain

Anatoly Denisov, or Tolya for his friends and family, used to be a young delinquent and member of a gang, as the tattoos on his skin testify. After leaving the gang, Anatoly had to work hard to re-build his relationship with his family, his friends and mostly with his twin brother, Dima. Nothing was simple and immediate, but he realized how his family and friends were more than ready to give him a second chance; he realized how they never stopped loving him.

Oleg Azarov, personal assistant and bodyguard of Anatoly and Dmitri’s father, a hard and severe man with a past as Spetsnaz, Russian Special Forces, was the man that made Anatoly open his eyes and face reality through harsh and effective methods and bike races, the only common element and passion they apparently share.

But something happened when following the duties and orders.

Oleg grew attached to Anatoly in a way he could not afford and allow himself to, as he could not develop feelings for someone 14, soon 15, years younger, and especially not for the son of the man he was working for and that gave him a new life.

There is a line clearly marking duties and loyalty and Oleg is not man to cross it.

While Anatoly calls Oleg a “sadistic and scary bastard” and cannot stand the fact the man always speaks of duties whenever he refers to him and never really makes conversation, there is something he can’t deny. Tolya cannot deny the burning and compelling physical attraction he feels for that man; he cannot deny the fact that whenever they are close, his body wants and craves for that man.

Anatoly however refuses to listen to such physical desire and shuts it down.

But what happens to this delicate equilibrium when Anatoly, the forbidden fruit and therefore sweetest temptation, decides that he wants Oleg and will have him no matter what? What happens when constant temptation is first offered unintentionally and then deliberately, slowly scratching the line marking borders forbidden to cross? What will happen when forgotten past comes back to taunt and threaten the hardly gained equilibrium and peace?

Duties, desires, principles, remorse, lust, attraction, obligation, responsibilities, guilt, rules, forbidden, allowed, bike races, adrenaline, excitement, resolution, need, gangs war, possessiveness, unleashed emotions, uncontrollable feelings and … love, the love you cannot resist, the love you cannot fight. All clashes and fuses and confuses in this story of forbidden love.

Loving you is forbidden. Or is it not?

And so the story of Anatoly and Oleg unravels and what to expect from it?


Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of "Fire and Ice" series)Where stories live. Discover now