CH. 29: Heavy quietness of the hearts

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Dear All,

As promised yesterday, I am posting a new chapter today and it's very long, as it will be CH.30 that I should be able to post on Monday (I'm fixing a few small details). It wasn't easy to write it because I had to combine many points and situations, and for a couple of months my magic and inspiration went out of the window...terrible. But I actually have two chapters presenting you many elements and situations, which I hope you will really enjoy.

So please, let me know as usual, as you know I read every comment and try to reply as often as possible. Also, let me thank you for the votes, the reads and messages you gift this story with, you're all fantastic!

Sorry once more for the tremendous long wait, but I must admit that these months went by a bit to fast...Thank you for your lovely, warm, and amazing messages, I will reply to you all :-)

Now, I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you as a big thank you for your immense patience and sweetness, but in particular to JitkaD32 because I know how much you waited for this chapter and as a thank you for your messages.

A song from Linkin Park because they are incredible and their songs seem to well fit this story; a picture of handsome Alexander Ludwig as more or less our Anatoly, just to show how he's dressed will see.

I hope not many mistakes and typos will be there, as I checked if a few times.

Now, enjoy the new chapter.

"There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth", by Leo Tolstoy in "War and Peace"


I spent the following days thinking about what Anatoly remembered about the Leah case, and the more I thought about the more I felt something was slipping my attention. Apparently, it had not been a name per se, but the code of a powerful and dreadful drug that that piece of human trash planned to sell in the streets of New York at first, testing it and seeing the response to that. But I knew something was misplaced and I failed at grasping what. Mostly my instinct was alerted, as if an important detail has been dismissed too early.

It explained why the leader of the gang wanted Anatoly out of the game, but at the same time left me uncertain. A police officer and a small drug dealer had been involved months ago, forcing that piece of human trash to leave the city; but he also had to leave to work on the drug. Why did he have to leave the city for this long in order to work on the drug? He could do it in New York already, because months passed, and the gang had gained more strength. Then again, why Leah? The name had been discussed before, as Vincent Dalton overheard it already time ago.

Perhaps, I was giving too much weight to unimportant elements or it was due to my trait of over analysing everything. Though, my instinct was alerted and I felt something biting at my neck in the past days, whispering something was missing.

Also, why Caden and the gang had not made their move yet? He had come to New York once, as Vincent informed us and as I heard from Marlon, but then he disappeared again. What was he waiting for? I imagined he was testing the ground and see whether returning now would be safe or not in order to distribute the new drug, but something was slipping my attention. Another factor weighted in and I had to discover which one was. I knew they had not been able to yet relate Anatoly to the Denisov family, as New York was a big city and many wealthy families resided in it, yet I had an uncomfortable feeling now hanging on my head.

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