CH. 25: Shredding the last limit for ultimate trust (Part 2)

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Dear All,

Here is part 2 and I am sorry I didn't manage to post it yesterday as I wanted to. But I hope you'll forgive me as it's quite long and well, rich of many events and emotions. You will see by reading it :)

I hope you will enjoy it and I will be looking forward to reading your comments, so please let me know what you think of it! Your comments and feedbacks are always much appreciated and I love them :)

I selected a picture of Anatoly looking badass and like saying: don't mess with the Denisov  (--> handsome Alexander Ludwig) and a song that I found well fitting with the many emotions clashing in this chapter.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you and in particular to Miss_Purplepop as a big THANK YOU for your comments, votes and for the love you always give me through them!

P.s. New quote because it seems better fitting this second part.

And now, enjoy it!

"Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned", by an unknown author


"You want to discuss about this at such late hour?"

"I want to know and I don't give a damn about the time."

He didn't reply straight away, but pondered over my request and then let out a short, but quite meaningful sigh.

"A professor from your school, Anatoly." I froze as he spoke those words and he didn't miss my reaction. "A woman called Angela Palmer. You do know her, am I correct? You have one class with her." I think that if someone would have punched me in that moment, I wouldn't have felt a damn thing. A professor? And one that I had classes with. I gulped down the bitter taste in my mouth and then realised I hadn't uttered a word for almost a minute. "From your reaction, I can tell you know her," he remarked with a not subtle note of resentment that definitely was not aimed at me.

"Fuck," I only moronically said, still quite at loss of words. Mrs. Palmer had it against me? Why on freaking earth? It couldn't be possible, because I mean, what could the reason be? I mean, what the hell? I never did anything to her, what did she want from me? Was he even right? I violently shook my head. Hey, if Oleg was sure about it, why did I doubt it like some idiot? He would never commit such a mistake and, if he weren't sure about it, he wouldn't have said a word to me. "Why?" I only asked and he shook his head. "Why Oleg?" I insisted, grabbing one of his arms tightly.

"I believe it is better to discuss it tomorrow morning. You are tired and it is late and honestly speaking, I do not want to talk about this right now. It is a delicate matter," he explained with his typical tone of voice that admitted no contradiction.

"Oleg, I want to know, because I have no freaking clue why she wants me pretty much six feet under. What the hell have I done to her? She hates me for my past? Because it's clear she has something against that, given the way she drugged me and shit like that," I almost snarled, feeling my blood boiling at the various thoughts and memories that crowded my mind.

Why couldn't people leave me in peace and accept that I was finally changing and getting back to my real self? Why couldn't most of the people be as freaking awesome as my family and Oleg? Yeah, right, good luck with that, blockhead. Most of the people out there couldn't give a damn about me and I had been blessed by having such a family, friends and partner. I heaved a long sigh out and let a hand travelled my hair, trying to calm down, because the anger that burst into me so suddenly brought me headache.

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