CH. 33: Always the only one since the first time

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Dear All,

Here comes CH.33 as promised and I am sorry for the small delay, but you will understand once reading the update. It came out longer than expected, but I didn't want to cut anything, as it all seemed perfectly fitting and closing all the many points and situations.

So, please be ready for a chapter of 33 pages and 25350 words: do take your time in reading it and then, please let me know what you think, because with your comments and feedbacks I grew and improved as writer. THANK YOU! Also, I love reading them and replying 😊

I do not want to say much about this last chapter before the Epilogue, aside the fact that I think we will have a few things you waited for long time and definitely expected to see in here. Some parts are quick and easy to read, so it will go fast, some others more intense and emotions-filled.

I would like to THANK all of you my dear readers, for the love and support you give me, for re-reading my stories so many times and for the votes and comments. In particular, I would like to thank fuurin1 for your precious and very stimulating comments/feedbacks, because they really are helpful and insightful, not to mention your re-reading my stories and voting them: THANK YOU very much, my dear, I really appreciate it.

A special greeting to my dear AerilistaryliaSae because I know how attached you are to this story and to Anatoly in particular 😊I know there is a special small episode here you will like.

A banner I created pointing out the two main aspects of the chapter and a song I found very fitting, especially for a certain part; I am sure you will understand and agree. The quote was inspired by re-reading for the nth time "The Little Prince" ^^

And now, enjoy it!

"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction", by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 'Airman's Odyssey'


June finally arrived and with it, I graduated from high-school and received the diploma, together with Viola, Adrian, that jerk of Lebedev, Sharon and Cameron the annoying shrimp, not to mention the sort of additional person that joined our group, somehow rendering the shrimp less focus on getting on my and Seryozha's nerves. Good for him, as I pretty much couldn't care less about that. However, we all made it and, in particular, I made it and graduated with quite incredible grades, as with the new literature professor they somehow all started to look at me in a different and less hostile way.

That helped my application for college, as Mr. Lockard really wrote the recommendation letter as he promised months ago and after having sent a few applications, I had been accepted in the chosen college in New York I was really hoping for, where I would study Literature. Needless to say, how freaking happy my mom was and the family party she threw to celebrate both that and my commencement. She also invited my friends and it had been a rather crazy day, which even if it sounded lame and sappy, I had to admit I very much enjoyed. I had finally made it and it gave me such a liberating and proud feeling that I couldn't properly describe. It was something I achieved no matter the shit that happened during the year and it meant that it was done.

Thank to every divinity up in the Heaven, Oleg had been more merciful and decided to celebrate it in a more private way, consisting of dinner cooked by him and consumed in his garden as we gazed at stars and the gift he had for me was made of first editions of four of my most favourite books. I had no idea how he managed in finding them, but I questioned nothing and simply ogling at them with hanging mouth and wide eyes, almost afraid to touch them for how valuable they were, being my usual bratty self as my stare moved from the amazing editions to his smiling and obviously satisfied face. The hot bastard knew how to surprise me all too well and the slightly conceited pleased expression on his face said it all.

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