Chapter 11: Pulling until it tears

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Dear all,

as promised here is the first new chapter that I am posting.

I really hope you will enjoy it, therefore you know that I will be looking forward to reading your comments, messages and everything ^^

I have attached a picture of Anatoly (--> handsome Alexander Ludwig), on a bike going to visit Oleg and I have paired the chapter with a song from Evanescence that I thought fitting their love story and their feelings.

I missed you all very much and I want to say it once more: my cat and I are BACK for REAL! Sorry for the long absence, but hey, I am BACK and I mean it.

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to my dear and sweet friend Kimiko Mozashi, as an apology for my absence and as a thank you for your support.

And now, enjoy the new chapter and as always, let me know what you think of it!



"My heart is ever at your service", by William Shakespeare


When I woke up my eyes shot open and immediately registered it was not my room, because I well remembered it was Oleg's place. I stayed there a minute just listening to the sounds coming from outside and from inside the house, but it was rather quiet and in that moment I realized I had a great night sleep. Obviously the old geezer was already up and he had probably woken up before the birds, ready to do some Hulk-like training or whatever he did every morning. I sighed and looked beside me, where he lay during the night. I fell asleep with my forehead touching his shoulder, feeling his warmth and feeling his proximity. Being beside him was a complete fucking chaos, but it brought me so much peace that after very long time I could sleep serene and deeply. Oleg messed me up pretty much.

Could I really still freaking deny it? Fuck, this was such a huge complication. I really didn't need this and I couldn't imagine what my family would say about it, especially my mum. I had this idea that she might freak out or somehow not like it, because that day it was clear how much she had suffered in these years and how worried she still was for me. I sighed and sank the heels of my hands in my eyes.

Fuck, what to do? I had no idea, but I knew it was pointless to deny it. Oleg was someone that didn't simply had a damn hot body and huge qualities; he was someone that had much more than that.

"Fuck," I hissed while still pressing my hands on my eyes. "What the heck is wrong with me?"

I got up and quickly washed my face and mouth in the bathroom right beside the bedroom. This place was not big, but the space was well organized and planned. I squared my shoulders and walked to the kitchen, where Oleg was sitting reading something on his laptop. He immediately perceived my presence and I swallowed down looking at him. What to do? He had on him a pair of military sweatpants and a black wife beater, and let me tell you his muscles and tattoos were quite the view as first thing in the morning. I swallowed down more and felt his scrutinizing eyes of me, so I mentally slapped myself and went to sit in front of him, playing it casual. Right, playing it casual...I had to concentrate on his face because this man had a crazy attracting affect on me.


Could I really still deny it?

No, there was no way I could anymore deny the attraction I felt for this man and the attachment growing for him little by little. As my eyes indulged on his hard expression, on his perfectly shaved face, his inks wrapping around his neck and shoulder, as my mind run to what he told me yesterday, how I felt yesterday and how I felt right then in front of him, crap...there was no more denying. I was into deep dark water with sharks swimming around me.

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