Prologue (Part 2)

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Hello dear all, after a break due to lack of time, I'm finally back with updates and here comes a new part of "Loving you is forbidden".

Let me tell you that at first I had not planned to write this part, but after reading how you were interested in seeing how Oleg would deal with that teacher, well, I decided it would be actually good to write it. So I really hope you'll enjoy it and I'll be looking forward to reading your comments and messages and actually, let me thank all of you for them: THANK YOU!!! They always bring a big smile to my face :-)

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Redkia, because I know how much you like Oleg and here we sure have a long Oleg POV, so hope you'll like it! Thanks for your lovely msg and comments! xox

On the right, a wonderful banner Klovis made for me: thank you darl! <3

Then, warning: this chapter has mature contents, but we already know the rating of the story.

Now, enjoy!


"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged."  Samuel Johnson

I looked at the papers my friend, a private detective that had one of the best reputations in his circle, gave me and after reading them, I placed them on the desk and stared at him. My mind was now set in motion and while my blood should have been normally boiling, right now it was frozen and almost did not pulse. In my hands was such revolting and disturbing information that would have set anyone out of their right mind; however I witnessed enough in my life to let it affect me in any significant way.

This man here was not worth of the title of man. He was not worth of being address as anything, aside disturbing and sick piece of trash. But it was going to end and he was going to pay. It did not affect me if looked from aside, yet, if I considered what could have happened to Anatoly…

“Quite the shit, huh?” Asked Marlon, staring intently at me and massaging his neck. “I don’t know why you asked me to investigate over that man, but Jesus, we just have a damn piece of shit there. It’s all so sick that I had problems in checking the crap he looks on the web.” He paused a shook his head. “No matter what and no matter how long you have been in this business; you’ll never get fucking used to such things. Oleg, why did you ask me to go after him?”

I gave him a firm and hard stare and he understood there was no room for questions. It was a private matter and I gave Mr. Denisov my word.

“It is classified. Thank you for the help.”

He shook his head and moved his chair back, going to stand up. Marlon walked around his office and cursed under his breath.

“Fucking sick bastard.” He hissed. “You know, I’m not married and I’m not a father, but to think that such … such piece of shit is a teacher, Christ, it makes me want to shoot him straight in his balls.”

I understood him and do not get me wrong. I felt the same, but in this moment my mind was concentrated only over the plan studied to make this lowlife pay. The papers were clear enough on the matter he was a sick being that enjoyed some sort of websites that should not even exist and that had been accused already two times for molesting under aged students, but apparently the charges had been withdrawn and that was rather suspicious. Two times and both times the charges had been withdrawn?

“We need more evidences, Marlon. This is not enough.”

“You need more, man? What the hell do you need more than that?”

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of &quot;Fire and Ice&quot; series)Where stories live. Discover now