CH. 17: Another step into your world - Another step into my heart

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Dear All,

Here is a NEW chapter!

I'm sorry because I had planned to update last week, but I had problems with my neck, as it was a bit blocked, and I couldn't much sit in front of my laptop.

It also took longer than expected to write this chapter and I believe you will understand the reasons after having it read. I really hope you will enjoy it because, dear All, this is an intense and very demanding chapter. I will not anticipate anything, aside to be ready: it's very long.

I will be looking forward to reading your comments! THANK YOU very much for your votes, messages, comments and incredible support! Magic hugs to all of you :-)

I want to DEDICATE this chapter to ALL OF YOU, readers and fans of Anatoly & Oleg, because this chapter really belongs to everyone.

The picture is the one of a Japanese dragon tattoo and you will understand the reason at the end of the chapter, also you should search what it symbolises. You will understand what Anatoly means. As for the song, I believe that "November Rain" from Guns N' Roses is perfect. It moves many emotions in me and I think it can do the same with you.

P.S. I am sorry if there are some mistakes, but I do not edit it in any professional way and so mistakes do slip my attention. You know that all of my stories are NOT edited. I shall work on that when I'll be able.

And now, I will let you enjoy the new chapter!

"If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave", by Emily Bronte in "Wuthering Heights"


I waited for Anatoly to come back from the school party, because a restless sensation never abandoned me for the entire evening. I had begun to rationally consider all the accidents happened to him and around him in school, arriving to the conclusion that the responsible was not Sergey Lebedev and that it was not someone outside the school having an accomplice, as I first suspected. The perpetrator of such petty episodes, but now rather dangerous incidents, was someone not far from Anatoly, someone that somehow did not simply observed him from afar.

At first, those episodes were a clear manifestation of an immature personality, someone rather pitiable, but that also displayed a disturbing interest in unsettling Anatoly. But then they multiplied: spraying on his locker, breaking parts of his motorbike, writing insolent words about him on the walls of the bathroom, and more. It felt as if someone wanted to torment Anatoly about his past mistakes, always making sure to remind him of his past actions. It had already surpassed my patience and it had to come to end soon. The incident happened during the preparations for the Halloween party, together with other small episodes, confirmed it definitely. Now the main point was to discover the person and the reasons behind such actions.

The person had better be a young student, for I would never allow myself to lay hands on such subject; for their safety, the person had better be someone I could not directly deal with, or else I might consider going over the admitted limits. The idea that some vermin toyed with Anatoly's feelings and also safety was enough to ignite a very dangerous sense of protection toward him. Very dangerous for the simple reason that, anyone trying to hurt Anatoly would unleash the repressed and controlled ire slowly burning and growing in me. Each little and pitiable episode incensed it, and each little and pitiable episode made me want to find the responsible, in order to enjoy a pleasant talk.

As I said, for the safety of this lowlife, the person better be a young, spoilt student.

I waited in the kitchen, while I read an article about geo-politics and savoured a cup of tea. I turned the page, but I stopped, as the sound of faltering steps took my entire attention. My feet pushed me standing in no time and in a matter of few steps, I had reached and opened the main door of the residence. My eyes stared at the figure of Anatoly, difficulty held by his friend and classmate Adrian Taylor; the young man gave me a worried look and his face was completely pale. However, I wasted no time and immediately took Anatoly in my arms.

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