Witchy's Author's Note

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Dear All,

I wanted to write a quick note to explain a couple of things, as I believe it will be read by most of you rather than writing a normal message on my page 😊

As you know, "Loving You is Forbidden" is completed and this makes the third book in the "Fire and Ice" series completed and the sixth for me in general. However, please note that in December, when LYIF will celebrate its 6th anniversary, I will post a Special One-Shot about Oleg and Tolya and them using the infamous tie, so stay tuned and wait for that!

Now, as I already explained, I am concentrating on "Beyond Those Irresistible Eyes" (River/Nic) and actually a lot of CH.2 is already done, but you know me and how I work; I need to complete it, check it, polish it and edit it. The usual, basically, but maybe it will be out this weekend, MAYBE. River's story, and as well Nic's, will be another journey for me, another way to grow personally, for somehow, River is very close to me and I will write it during a moment in which I experience a personal situation not easy and somehow painful in the past days. But worry not: this will not influence it negatively or render it too personal. Absolutely not! It will simply give me more focus, empathy and true understanding for the characters and their background, their struggles, fears, feelings for each others and such. I think you understand what I mean.

In the meantime, I have another project I already began. I am editing "Fire and Ice" and adding small parts to give a better context of the story and make you understand the characters much deeper and closely. I am NOT changing it, don't misunderstanding me please. I am barely editing and upgrading it, if you will allow me the word. I believe you will like it and appreciate the story even more, so please trust Witchy.

On this project, I have already worked on FIVE CHAPTERS, but I will post the edited parts once I am done with CH.10 included. I plan to go 10 by 10, to give you more to read and see what you think of it. I will attach notes to explain that.

Of course, once I am done with "Fire and Ice" editing, I will proceed with "Tricks of Love" and after that, with "All you need is ME", which honestly speaking needs EDITING BIG TIME 😊

Aside these projects, which I am doing when I have the chance and free time (sometimes late evening in bed or very early in the morning while I have breakfast before going to work), you will ask me: on what other stories are you working? What will you give us? Well, we know I have three main stories I want to work at and I will start "Kneeling Down for Her Only" (Anya/Anton spin-off story from "Fallen for an Angel") probably at the end of November or so – not a specific date is set, it's mostly about time and having something very good to deliver – and then we all know I have stories regarding Viola/Sergey and Adrian/Vincent.

I believe that "Kneeling Down for Her Only" won't be as long as my usual stories, thus I can normally work on it while also dealing with BTIE and another one.

I will start with "The Princess & the Jerk" (Viola/Sergey) as of now, possibly in two weeks, because I have inspiration there, and because I still need a bit more time to work on the premises and background and such regarding Adrian and Vincent (let me remind you the title's story: "Playing by My Rules"). They are both quite complex characters and I must make it right for them, so please allow me some more time. Viola and Sergey will be a lighter and sweet story I personally need to write right now, and I believe you will enjoy it very much. Sergey is a challenge and Viola is a girl none of you has read about yet, in terms of POV. We still need to learn A LOT about them, and I have parts and much of it lined out.

As I say, please have trust in me and my writing, thank you.

This is all I wanted to tell you, but if you have questions, comments or anything, please go ahead and I shall reply to them.

I think I noticed one thing: if you want to receive notifications of stories updates, not only you should have them in your reading list, but apparently also follow the writer. I noticed I received notifications for new stories I do not have in any reading list, but from fellow writers I follow. So, I am just sharing this information with you.

One last thing: THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the votes and comments you left for the Epilogue of LYIF, I will reply to them, don't worry. As always, you are wonderful and very kind readers ♥ Follow me on Instagram or Facebook, if you wish!

Stay tuned for my next updates, which might be coming VERY soon (!!!)

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs & Meows,


Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of "Fire and Ice" series)Where stories live. Discover now