Prologue (Part 1)

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Hello dear all, as promised here comes the prologue of this story. It takes place two weeks after Anatoly left the gang and then a month and half later. You'll see it yourself.

I won't add anything else, just hope you'll enjoy it and like this first interaction. Let me know with your comments, as I love to read them! Actually, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the comments and messages you left me for this story: you are all amazing!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Klovis darl as a huge thank you for the wonderful banners you make for me! Love you darl! xox

On the right an extremely cool banner Maria231000 made for me and I think it perfectly fits this story, thanks M. <3

And now, enjoy.

“There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.” Mark Twain

There are things in life that will leave a mark on us, which can be visible or not to other people. Don’t let yourself fool in thinking one is worse than the other, because you never know until you feel and live it on your own skin.

It can be a bad experience or trauma from the past and the consequences and marks can be hidden inside of you; but it can be a stupid and immature choice you made trying to escape something scaring you to the point of having nightmares at night and waking up almost shouting out of your reason and sweating still feeling your body being prey of horrible invisible hands and ice-cold shuddering.

Then the mark can be visible to anyone out there and can bring you further consequences you had never thought of when taking the impulsive and wrong choice. Yes, we have right and wrong choices and we should be aware of what action and reaction means; once you cross a line, you might need to work your ass really hard to get back on your own feet, but do not worry, you will do it without any doubt.

Some marks will not be erased and will remain visible on your skin. Be strong and keep your head and chin up. You’re a fighter and fighters always get back on their feet.

But what happens when those marks will attract something from the past you thought you had already forgotten and left behind your shoulders? Who will help you now? Will someone help you once more?

Yes, do not fear. Someone will always be there for you.

He will help you again, no matter what.

He will always be there for you, even thought loving you is something forbidden, even though he knows he cannot develop those feelings for you, even though he has lines he cannot cross. But even though all of this, he will be guarding and watching over you, making sure you are safe.


After coming back from school I went straight to my room and cursed the whole damn world for how things were getting annoying and complicated. My arm was hurting like hell and some bruises were still there, with a ridiculous yellow-green shade that sure made me look like a pathetic loser; argh, so damn annoying. I tossed the bag on the floor and ran a hand in my hair, but there wasn’t much to run on since it had been shaved off completely, just as a way to change hair-cut. But I didn’t like this and I liked my old one and damn it, I was going to grow it back like before and dad will have to suck it up.

My hand rested then on my neck and I sighed. Sure, hair could be shaved and could grow back, but a tattoo was another deal and this one year spoke loud enough. It had the first letters of the gang’s name and because it wasn’t moronic enough, I had to have a tattoo on my arm with the symbol of the gang. I still remember how my parents freaked out when I came back with the tattoos and how after a couple of weeks they took me to the hospital and had me tested, worried I might had caught something.

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of &quot;Fire and Ice&quot; series)Where stories live. Discover now