CH.2 In the beast's den

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Dear all, as promised today I am updating CH.2 complete and hope you'll enjoy it! Let me know what you think, as you I totally LOVE your comments and messages: THANK YOU!!

It's like an introductive chapter in a part of Oleg's life and let's see what you think of it. Oh right, quick note: Oleg's POV might be maybe a bit "heavy" and sometimes sort of rigid and robotic, but that is done and made on purpose, as it's how his character is. Well, hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Creativeness1 as a huge THANK YOU for reading all of my stories and commenting them! xox

On the right, we still have the let-us-drool banner DerreckSanchez made for me... I love it!


1) XxAricka_DylanxX with "MY OLDER BROTHER, DICK" a mature story of love between brothers.

2) A_Wheeler with "TWINK FOR SALE" and thanks again for the dedication!!!

3) theRedSea with "SANDS", a brand new story and writer!

And now, enjoy!


“How can something so wrong feel so right?”  by Tabitha Suzuma, “Forbidden”

“Oleg, why don’t you have dinner with us tonight?” Mr. Denisov asked as I closed the door of his studio, ready to drive him back to his residence.

“Thank you, Mr. Denisov, but I shall not intrude.” At my words he let out a soft chuckle and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Yevgeny Denisov was a tall and rather strong man that had an unmistakable intimidating air and it was an advantage in business because it was understood has authority and charisma, qualities that made him a great man. He had graying blonde hair and kind but severe blue eyes; they could pierce you from part to part and in almost seven years I came to understand he was not a man inclined to useless laugh and his smiles were rare, even in business, but when he did smile it was always genuine and sincere, and held a note of composure. Mr. Denisov was a man I entirely and deeply respected. You could see the young twins had taken after his physics, because they had both rather broad structure and strong facial features, but they as well took after Mrs. Denisov, as theier eyes were brighter and their hair blonder.

“You sure do not intrude our family dinner as you are family, too.” I knew he meant those words and every time he spoke them I felt sense of pride and affection, but they also reminded me of who I was and what position I had in their family. “My wife is glad when you join us and I can tell so are my sons, especially Tolya, even though he’ll never admit it.” He smiled a moment while talking about his sons and wife and I commanded my face to stay blank as usual. “I can tell he has opened up with you considerably and it puts me at ease, because we still don’t talk much and I can tell is the same with Natasha. But with Dima is different and they are getting better, therefore I should not worry, right? I hope he knows he can come to me for anything.”

That was correct. Anatoly had not opened up completely with his parents and no matter how much I told him to talk to them instead of me; he would of course give me one of his bratty answers and roll his eyes or snort some sarcastic remark. It was not something I could force and I knew it well, but it would have been better if he would try harder with his family, because it was clear they were still worried and felt as is walking on egg shells. I considered his words a moment while we walked to the parking lot. I opened the passenger door for him and then walked to driver side.

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of "Fire and Ice" series)Where stories live. Discover now