CH. 22: A matter of pride and provocation

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Dear All,

As I anticipated yesterday, here comes a new chapter of "Loving You is Forbidden" and I really hope you will enjoy it :-) I wrote that it came out longer than expected and that it had to be split in to two parts. Well, I decided to actually make two different chapters and so either tomorrow or Sunday I'll post CH.23

Now, it's quite an intense chapter with a lot of dialogues and many things happening. Let me know what you think, as I'll be looking forward to reading your awesome comments and feedbacks!

Thank you very much for your messages, comments, incredible support, votes, reads and for your love:  I can see new reads and readers every day! To my new followers: welcome to my magic world!

A picture of Adrian (--> handsome model Marlon Teixeira) but to be honest Adrian looks slightly different than him, with a more wicked smile and amused eyes, but it's to give a general idea. I chose a song that sounds rather aggressive and according to me, it really matches the mood of this chapter.

I would like to dedicate CH.22 to all of you as big thank you and in particular to my dear lonelycauliflower as a special thank you for your support, friendship and for always catching those damn slips I cannot notice myself :D

And now, enjoy it!

"There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me," by Jane Austen in 'Pride and Prejudice'


I had discreetly followed Vincent Dalton with my motorbike and the right moment to approach him arrived when he stopped at his sister's place; I patiently waited outside in a hidden spot, not wanting to attracted unnecessary attention, and when he stepped out of the building, I walked to him. His sister lived outside New York and in a calm area; I had already inspected the location and I had not found anything out of place.

"Vincent Dalton, this would be the moment for that discussion I had told you about," I said as a manner of greeting with authoritative voice to make him understand he had no other options than listening to me, and he stiffened immediately, slowly turning around to look at me. "I suggest you act normal and that we find a quiet spot where to talk. We do not wish to attract attention."

"Yeah, I guess we can walk to the small park over there," he replied slowly, looking at me uneasy and quickly checking his surroundings.

I assessed him a moment as he tried to look less cautious and nervous: the self-confidence I had witnessed that Sunday meant to simply provoke Anatoly left him as soon as he found himself facing me alone. I had encountered many people like this one in my life and they always felt arrogantly self-assured when inside a group, like pretty much all the members of the gang he was part of. Vincent Dalton had to take the further steps to change his life and it looked like he was trapped in a momentary limbo; he did not strike me as a bad person, only too prone on playing according to his own rules, something that had potential danger if not well managed. He seemed to honestly care for Anatoly and that was a good point, making the reason why I decided to speak to him. I understood it was not an easy decision he had to take, but the more he waited, the more difficult it became.

He slowly refocused his eyes on me and I decided to ease down his wariness, without forgetting to set my rules down clearly.

"I am alone and of course I carry no weapons. I would not need them with you, believe me." I gave him a dark, but quite eloquent smirk and he visibly swallowed down, for then narrowing his eyes possibly disturbed by my insinuation. What I said was true: with this young man here weapons were not necessary for more than one reason. "Have you been followed by anybody?" I tested him with such question, because I already knew the answer.

Loving You Is Forbidden (Third Book of "Fire and Ice" series)Where stories live. Discover now