CH.7 The carriage is a pumpkin, Cinderella

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Dear all, I am finally updating this story and I am REALLY SORRY for the long absence and wait, but as I explained in the message I sent you, I had to study and prepare for a huge exam and then had other many things to do... then I thought I'd be able to update straight away, but my brain was out of order and I needed a break.

But here it comes a NEW and LONG chapter!

I want to THANK YOU ALL for your patience and for you support and amazing and sweet messages: you gave me great energy and love, thank you very much! You are all fantastic!

This chapter starts from the sneak-peek I posted in March and then goes on introducing a new POV and then something else. You'll find here many new things and many links for the following chapters and I'll be so thrilled from your comments, so much that I can't wait to read them! I really miss this very much! So please, let me know what you think with your wonderful comments!

I want to dedicate this new chapter to all of you and in particular to SmugDevil as a big hug, you know why honey.

On the right, a picture of Adrian --> Marlon Teixeira

And now, let's not wait any comes the new chapter!



“Oh, Fortuna, you capricious sprite!” by John Kennedy Toole in “A Confederacy of Dunces”


I opened my eyes at the usual time and immediately looked to my right side, where Anatoly laid completely sprawled and clearly invading my personal part of the bed. I sighed silently and then my eyes ranked his figure and chest, now slowly rising and lowering at the rhythm of his deep and calm breaths.

Anatoly did not snore when sleeping; Anatoly did move around a lot and I do not mean simply rolling from one side to the other, but literally moving around and tossing his arms and legs just like the brat he was. That woke me up a couple of times, but it seemed not to disturb his sleep, as he just tossed around, therefore I let it go and let him rest there.

He was basically sleeping with his body forming an angle with the side of the bed, his legs completely wide apart and one of his calves almost hooking my leg, as his left arm rested on my abdomen and his head formed a quite strange angle while tipped on my pillow. His form reminded the one of a starfish and I sorted of smiled in seeing him sleeping so deeply and serene; his blonde and punkish hair was quite a mess and I realized he must have removed his top in that mess he had called sleep, because he was just wearing his sweatpants. My eyes closed a moment as I took a deep breath.

Sharing the bed with the last person I should have, but at the same time the only person that I would allow to and want here. Slowly my eyes opened again and studied his sleeping figure once more.

Last night I knew I would regret this the following morning, because it was not easy, not even for someone like me used to self-control and discipline; Anatoly might see me as a machine, but I was not. I was a human being, maybe a very strict and disciplined one, but still human and with pulsing blood.

Anatoly was constantly on guard and used his sarcasm and harsh attitudes as shield and weapon in every moment of the day, but when he was asleep he was completely relaxed and his barriers were completely down and it looked as if nothing was on his mind. He said my quarters were the place where he could find some calm and as much as it pleased me to hear that, it was as well rather problematic. But I would never chase him away and that reality just drowned down in my brain in that very exact moment. Even though he would not admit it, it was clear he did need some more guidance and I think he felt he could trust me. And that was correct. Anatoly could indeed trust me entirely, because I would never betray the Denisov family or him. I would rather die than betray them and the trust they placed in me.

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