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Hi, my name is y/n, and welcome to my hectic life, full of all emotions from Inside Out, my favorite movie. I live with my friends, Anna, Sabrina (Sab), Devyn, Madison (Mads), Emma, and Eva. My friendships with my friends are healthy, except I just have a feeling me and Madison are falling apart in a way. Maybe it's just me? Anyway, I've been through hell and back when it comes to living with family, being between 2 houses, then back in 1 house with the whole fam, and that over and over again. Tell me is it worth it? Once you get to know me, I'm actually a very kind person. Just don't make me mad. I have anger issues.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP. 6:50 am. My alarm went off and Sab came into my room.*
Sab: morning pretty, wake up we have things to do today :)) we're going shopping at 11
Y/n: good morning , okay:)
Sab left my room and went downstairs. I got out of bed because I smelled pancakes. I went downstairs and ofc, Anna was making pancakes.
Y/n: yayyy I knew I smelled pancakes !!

Anna: made by the best, of course;)
Eva: no that's false I make the best pancakes in this house.
Y/n: alright ladies let's not fight about something petty ok.
Sab: this bi-
Emma: ok y/n tomorrow morning your making pancakes then.
Y/n: say less;))
Devyn: whatevs ladies let's just go get ready.
Y/n: don't tell me Mads is still sleeping
Devyn, Anna, Emma: not it waking her up
Y/n: not it
Eva: not it
Sab: damn it I'm stuck waking her up .

She walked to Mads room and knocked on the door.
Mads: enter
Sab: hey bestie !! Your awake! We were just gonna come wake u cause we're going shopping-
Mads: I don't wanna go shopping, I'm going out with a friend today.
Sab: oh okay. Who is it?
Mads: it's my sister Riley, but I call her my friend. Bc were basically best friends.
Sab: but aren't the girls in the house your best friends?
Mads: mmm yeah I guess, well I need to get ready, can you go out there ?
Sab: oh umm.. sure..

Sab left Mads room in confusion, and concerned.
Sab: hey um ladies ?
Anna: yeah?
Sab: Mads said she's not going shopping cause she's going out with her sister Riley who she called a friend.
Eva: I swear it's either excuses with her or somethings off. I feel like she's just staying here cause she doesn't have a place to live. She doesn't care about any of us, or wanting to be our friends, she just wants a place to live.
Just then, Mads was coming down the stairs.
Mads: hey ladies, I'm leaving. Byee:)
We waved at her and she left.
Y/n: alright I'm eating and leaving to go shopping so let's hurry up and eat.

We all ate our food, got ready with some last minute touches, and left the house all in a group. We decided to walk since it was a nice day outside. We we're going around all the shops when we saw the boys.
Noah: hey ladies:)
Emma: hi Noahh:)
Josh: what's up
Bryce: Jaden hurry up in there the ladies are here
Jaden: hold on man I'm taking a Walt Disney sh*t.
Y/n: HE DID NOTT- i bursted out laughing.
Bryce: that's Jaden for ya:)

Jaden finally came out.
Jaden: what, what's so funny? Hmm 😏
Y/n: you 😂 "Walt Disney sh*t"
Jaden: oh yeah, one of the classics 😏
He comes and picks me up , as we hug. He then puts me down.
Jaden: you ladies shopping too ?
Eva: yep:)
Jaden: ahh I see, y/n stop by sway later, I have something for you:)
Y/n: okay:)
Blake: ok, well let you guys be, have fun!
All of us: bye guys!

We all said bye to each other and we went our way, the boys went theirs.

Words: 672:)

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