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Y/n: Jaden at this point I really need to get back to JAH
Jaden: ok fine, I'll miss you
Y/n: miss you too:) bye:) thank you again
And remember, listen to what I said about your temper, okay?
Jaden: maybe
Y/n: jaden
Jaden: fineeee bye
I went to my room and seen my hair brush was missing.
Y/n: hey anyone take my brush?
Sab: sorry, yours was the quickest closest
Y/n: it's ok girl:)!
Anna: so what happened with Jaden?
Y/n: he had this adorable pendant made from when we were 12 🥺
Eva: omg what a gentlemen
Devyn: ok who wanna sign the petition to kick Mads out of JAH?
Y/n: me
All: ME
We signed it, and tossed her things outside. And cleaned out her room so now, someone else could join JAH. We wrote her a lil something too.

We're sorry to break this to you, but we're kicking you out of JAH. Your just not a good fit anymore, you always have an attitude, you never wanna hang out with us at all when we go out as a group, and your always in your room doing nothing! So we've decided to kick you out as a group decision. Your things are outside where you see them. We wish you the best and hope to end on a good note.

- JAH🤍

Mads texted Sab the next minute.
Sab: she said "hey Sab, I read the note from you guys. And I completely understand. I wasn't doing anything and you have every right to be mad at me or kick me out or whatever. But yes, me and you guys can end on a good note and still be friends.
Y/n: there's the good side of Mads for ya.. Sab, can I talk to you in my room?
Sab: ofc yeah

Me and Sab went to my room.
Sab: everything ok?
Y/n: yeah just.. I was wondering if you would keep an eye out for me?
Sab: why, are you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine but.. I just don't feel it. Like I may act happy but I just want my dad back.

Ever since me and Sab had that talk, I turned into Mads. Never wanted to go out, never wanted to do anything. Just sit in my room and do nothing.
Anna: y/n want some food?
Y/n: yeah :)
We went downstairs and ate.
Eva: y/n finally coming out of her room the first time in a week
Y/n: shut up girl not in the mood
Eva: sh*t my bad
I nodded at her.
My stomach started to hurt right after I finished my food.
Sab: woah. Y/n you okay??
Y/n: um... y-yeah I'm f-fine
I rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I threw up my meal.

Words: 489:)

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