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Jaden: thanks for making it clear, I just wanted to hear you say it🥰🥰
He chuckled and I slapped him behind his head.
Y/n: I like ya cut g 👏
Jaden looked up at me with the 🥺 face
Y/n: I'm sorry baby🥺
I leaned his head back onto my chest and rubbed the back of it.
Y/n: does that feel better?
Jaden: uh huh🥺
Eva: you guys are literally the cutest.
Mads: I want this relationship with someone
Sabrina: over here bae
Mads: say less baby
They both laughed.

Jaden: can I lay on you
Y/n: let's go over to the couch then baby
Jaden: ok🥺😌
Y/n: babe
Jaden: hmm?
Y/n: u need to let me move
Jaden let go of me all sad and I layed down and he fell asleep on me. A few hours later he's back to normal and he's just woken up.
Jaden: hi princess
Y/n: hi baby :))
Sabrina: y/n we ordered pizza want some?
Y/n: oh, no I'm okay

Jaden: you sure babe ?
Y/n: uh huh..
The girls all look at each other and back at me.
Y/n: what?! If I don't want pizza I don't need to eat it!
Devyn: there's mozzarella stickssss
She knows I LOVE those.
Y/n: still no
Sab gasps
Sabrina: how you gonna do mozzarella sticks dirtyyyy
Y/n: sorry ok!
Jaden: baby I'm not gonna have you not eat. I'm gonna force you to eat something.
Everyone was shocked. Everyone was staring at me. I got up, took a mozzarella stick to my room and ate it in tears. I cried while chewing it.
Jaden: swallow .
I swallowed it in tears.
Jaden: aww baby... you need to eat. It's good for you.
Y/n: no it's not! I just wanna look like Mads who has a perfect body and perfect smile an-
Jaden: baby I don't care about her, i care about you. And first of all, your body is gorgeous. Your a pure angel, darling. My literal everything even though we've only been together for 4 days. I love you, angel.
Y/n: I love you too baby stawppp your making me cryyy🥺🤚🏻
Jaden: I'm sorryyyy🥺🥺
Y/n: it's okay 🥺🥺
I went and sat on jadens lap and wrapped myself around him. Legs around his torso as he was sitting down. Arms around his shoulders, his hands on my lower back/ waist. Slowly rubbing me. He kissed my neck a few times, not leaving anything. He got up with me in his arms, and walked downstairs.
Jaden: someone take her, I have to get home.
Baby I gotta go.
Y/n: nooo I'll miss youuuu .
Jaden: I'll FaceTime you when I get back and fall asleep on the phone with you ok?
Y/n: mhmmm fine. I love you.
Jaden: I love you too.
Jaden left JAH & I had a gloomy look on my face.
Sabrina: you okay?
Y/n: mhm I just miss Jaden:/
Devyn: you'll see him tomorrow love.
Emma: wanna come watch a movie?
Y/n: no. I just wanna be alone. I love you guys.
I walked upstairs with a gloomy look on my face. I laid down and turned netflix on, when Jaden called me.
Jaden: hii princess whatcha doing
Y/n: watching Netflix
Jaden gasps in a funny way.

Jaden: without me?!
Y/n: I'm sorryyy! U had to go!
Jaden: 😂 it's ok babe. What show?
Y/n: riverdale
Jaden: ahh your personal favorite.
Y/n: yes indeed baby
Jaden: the next time I come over there we're watching riverdale and I'm owing you cuddles
Y/n: we owe each other
Jaden: why do I owe you?
Y/n: because you left me!

Jaden: I'm sorry angel- what man
Ant: foods here dude come eat
Jaden: bring it up- never mind I'll come down. But I'm on ft w y/n so watch ur mouths.
Ant: when aren't you on the phone w her
Y/n: AYE I heard that!
Ant: sorry bestie love ya tho
Y/n: mhm ly.
Jaden went down and faced his phone towards me.
Jaden: want some through the screen baby?
Y/n: noooooo
He continued to eat.

I had a sudden flashback out of nowhere

Mom~ I'm sorry honey. It's for the best. If it's meant to be , you & us will find our ways again. But for now it's time to say goodbye and get a fresh start with your sister in LA.
Dad~ we really don't wanna do this, but it's for the best sweetheart. We love you honey.
Y/n~ please- p-pls-please don't do this to me! You know how close I am with MOM! DONT DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!

I was crying like crazy zoned out and the boys had to call my name several times.
Jaden: DONT YELL AT HER. Baby are you alright
Y/n: fl-flas-h flash- b-ba-c-k-k
Jaden: awe another flashback princess ? Turn the tv off & put your leds on.
I did as he said and my lights were on purple.
Jaden: take 5 deep breaths with me.
I took 5 deep breaths with Jaden and that calmed me down.

Y/n: I just don't understand why they chose to send me out here. Not like I'm wanted by anyone here or even loved by anyone here.
I'm just here for nothing.
Jaden: hey. Take that all back right the f*ck now. Baby. You- you are loved by so many people. Especially me. Baby your the love of my life and I do not wanna lose you. You know how bad of a mental state I would enter? You know how broken I'd be? I wouldn't be able to find anyone the same as you! So please. Please stay strong. I. Love. You. So. F*cking. Much.
Y/n: I love you too🥺

I whispered.
Josh: y/n you have a purpose. I know what it feels like to think you don't have one but you do. If you need to come over your welcome anytime you need. Stay here as long as you want. You don't have a time to go home here.
Y/n: thanks 🥺🖤
Josh: your welcome

Y/n: Jaden I'll be right back
Jaden: ok baby
I put my phone down and grabbed a bl*de out of my drawer.
I went to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I started making 3 marks on my wrist and winced in pain. No one heard me. I wiped my eyes and they still looked puffy.
Anna: girl are you okay?? What happened?
Y/n: nothing just- just had a flashback of my parents that's all
I didn't know that the bl*de dropped from my hand. Anna picked it up in shock. She went downstairs to the girls and showed them.
Mads: there's no way

Emma: that can't be possible. She would never! She knows to come to us if somethings wrong!
Eva: do you guys think that maybe that's the reason she's not wanted to eat with us?
Sabrina: maybe... but I still can't believe she'd hide that and hurt herself like that.
Anna: just act as if we don't know, we don't want her knowing and no one tell Jaden whatever you do.
All the girls nodded and I went back to jaden.
Y/n: I'm back baby
Jaden: ok:)
Y/n: wyd ?
Jaden: not much just watching YouTube on my tv
Y/n: oh that's nicee, whatcha watching ?
Jaden: your singing video
Y/n: no stop turn that off!!!
Jaden: no. It sounds so goodddd baby you have an angel voice I keep watching it on repeat and just stare at you because your so beautiful.
Y/n: thank you🥺, but I have to go do something I'll call you back in like an hour or two, I love you
Jaden: where do you need to go?
Y/n: just some errands
Jaden: ok, I love you too baby

I hung up the phone, got a workout outfit on, and walked downstairs.

Little does y/n know, her friends know that she cut herself. But she doesn't know that they know she did. Don't forget to vote and I love every single one of you and are so grateful for my reads 💙💙💙💙

Words: 1416:)

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