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Jaden pulled into the McDonald's drive thru 15 minutes later , and we ordered .
Jaden: do you wanna eat here in the parking lot or go home ?
Y/n: go home! :)))
Jaden: ok 😂
Jaden drove home and we got back inside.
Bryce: heyyyy wheres my McDonald's
Y/n: up your a$$ and around the corner to California go get it
I said as I chuckled and walked up the stairs. I heard Jaden chuckle a bit and smirk at me.
Jaden: head upstairs baby I'll be right up
Bryce: so did you get her back for that "thirst trap" she pulled on you?
Jaden: no, I'm gonna get her though

Jaden smirked and came upstairs. I was hiding with the lights off I somehow managed to tape myself to the ceiling .
Jaden: baby??
I didn't answer him I just sat there and watched him look for me in torture.
Jaden: princesssssss d**dys hereeeeeee.
Jaden: I don't get it
I then turned the led lights on to red and turned them all the way down.
Jaden: ok I know your in here but whatever ima eat my McDonald's without youuu
Jaden layed down and I got down from the ceiling and landed on top of J.
Jaden: why hello 😏
Y/n: why don't we eat
Jaden: where were you ? ;)
He slid his hands up and down my sides.
Y/n: I somehow managed to tape myself onto the ceiling. Don't ask.

Jaden: I- no comment let's eat
I layed next to him and we ate and watched a movie.

~2 am ~
Hi, can't sleep. Jadens fast asleep and turned around not cuddling me. Rude. My stomach was also hurting really bad, but I didn't mind it and tried to fall asleep. Eventually I did at 5 mother freaking am. 2 hours later Jadens alarm went off.

Jaden: y/n come on it's time to wake up
Y/n: mhmmmmmm.
I pulled the blanket over my head and Jaden pulled it off.
Y/n: F off I'm tired.
Jaden: what time did you go to bed
Y/n: 5 am
Jaden: ugh... this girl. Why 5 am?
Y/n: I woke up at 2, my stomach was hurting and didn't fall asleep til 5!
Jaden: awe come over here bub
He lifted my shirt a tiny bit and kissed my stomach to make it feel better.
Jaden: that feel better baby ?
Y/n: a little bit ty baby

Jaden nodded as we both got ready. I had a sour look on my face holding my stomach walking downstairs .
Noah: you okay ?
Y/n: my stomach hurts leave me alone .
I walked out the house and sat in Jadens car.
Jaden: no one do anything to p*ss her off doesn't matter . Don't do or say anything to make her mad or make her wanna strangle you .
Jaden came out to the car and started it .
Jaden: hey, gimme kiss 💋
Me and Jaden kissed and drove to school.
Jaden: now...I have a class early like right now so I will see you afterwards ok ? Stay strong for me baby
Y/n: can I go to your class too
Jaden: no princess
Y/n: whyyyyy🥺
Jaden: bc that's not your classsss🥺
Y/n: stop being mean to me

He knows I don't like it when he mocks me in a funny way to get me to stop crying or to stop being sad, but still doesn't anyway.

Emma: hey y/n
The girls: you doing okay ?
Y/n: hi guys I've missed you
Anna: we've missed you too girl, also Mads is back in JAH
Y/n: oh ok:) oww...ow...
I say as I hold my stomach
Sabrina: you okay girl ?
Y/n: my stomach hurts really bad like I'm gonna be sick but, it's probably just my head messing with me.
Mads: do you need to use the bathroom at all?
Y/n: no I've tried that! Every time that I've felt like I needed to go, I did and never ended up getting anything out.
Y/n: I just want this day to be over so I can go lay in my bed. Also when I get home I need to tell you guys something
Devyn: okay, do you want some water?
Y/n: no. No I'm okay thank u.
I started breathing heavily and got the girls worried.
Sabrina: y/n? Hey what's wrong
Cynthia: get her to the bathroom don't just stand there!
Sabrina: shut up cynthia no one asked-
I threw up. Right there. In the hallway in front of everyone.
Sabrina: aww bubbaaaa🥺
Devyn: come with me to the nurse.

The nurse gave me an option if I wanted to go home and I said no. Idk why, I just wanted to stay at school. The boys were watching the janitor clean it up . I wanted to apologize so bad but no one would let me .
Y/n: hi guys🥺🥺
Bryce: heyy it's okay, people get sick sometimes here come
We hugged for a second then I pulled away.
Jaden turned the hallway and came over to us.
Jaden: hey princess come hereeeee🥺
I went to him and he hugged me, stroking my hair and kissing my head.
Jaden: somebody threw up huh ?
I nodded while still in his arms. He wrapped his hands around my waist and whispered for me to jump. I jumped and he picked me up.

Jaden: it's gonna be okay bubba ok I've got you all taken care of .❤️
Y/n: I love you Jaden
Jaden: I love you more baby <33
Josh: wait y'all r dating
Y/n: I'm g- nvm.
Jaden: she's gonna tell the girls so no one say anything to them.
Y/n: ty🥺

Time skip to when I'm back at JAH, I'm laying down in my bed and it's now 4 pm. I had just woken up to find Jaden sitting on my couch watching tv.
Y/n: mhmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Jaden: hi princess , how you feeling ?
He starts stroking my hair behind my ear .
Y/n: bad .
Jaden: bad?
Y/n: yeah 🥺🥺
Jaden: well I brought you something for whenever you wanna put it on
He handed me one of his hoodies that smelled like him .
Y/n: yayayayayayayayayaya thank u 🥰
Jaden: your welcome beautiful ☺️

The next chapter will be y/n telling the girls about her dating Jaden. Ty for reading and don't forget to vote!! Ily guys !!

Words: 1080:)

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