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Jaden: I'm gonna get you back for that
Y/n: your not gonna touch her cause your MINE and MINE ONLY.
I snapped at him.
Jaden: my lil baby getting feisty 😈
Y/n: I'm not playing games right now Jaden! This isn't what I wanted to come home to!
I started walking away and J came after me.
Jaden: baby it was a joke, it's okay, calm down. I'm yours and your mine. Come back to us.
Y/n: no, no I don't think I will. I have class now.
I kissed Jaden.
Y/n: I love you
Jaden: I love you too baby

I stormed off to class while the others had a free period.
Sabrina: what did she get all mad for?
Jaden: she just got defensive over me when I said I'm gonna get you. I'll have coop handle that.
Sabrina: oh ok, there's no need to get defensive , she knows I'd never date you. Not even trying to be rude it's just she's my best friend and your my friend, and her boyfriend. I'm not gonna hurt you guys like that.
Jaden: thanks..

Bryce: guys we have a somewhat problem
Jaden: what?
Josh: y/n and Avani's parents are in town.
Jaden: ok? How's that a- oh sh*t...
Bryce: yeah! And they're coming here now! Whatever you do keep y/n wherever she is.
Jaden: relax man she's in class.
Jaden: DOWN THERE!!!
Jaden points to my classroom and Bryce & Josh come bursting in the room.
Josh: hi, we are so sorry to interrupt but can we borrow y/n for a quick minute?
??- y/n
I got up and went to the hallway.
Y/n: what!!
Bryce: your parents are in town!!! Where's vani
Y/n: with ant!
Josh: whatever you do y/n do NOT go to the main corridor.
Y/n: why! I wanna see my parents!
Josh: just trust us!
Y/n: no. I'm gonna see my parents.
I went back in the classroom and slammed the door.
??- everything ok?
Y/n: just teach!

Bryce: what are we gonna do now?
They rushed to Jaden.
Bryce: she said: "no! I'm gonna see my parents."
Josh: can't forget the: "why! I wanna see my parents" with a mini whine .
Jaden: look I'll try my best to keep her away. She still doesn't know?
Bryce: no! She doesn't! She doesn't know that her dad wants nothing to do with her anymore!

A/n:Sorry this one was so short! I thought it was a good idea to leave it off here!
Words: 440:)

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