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Y/n: hey guys, I- I gotta run some errands but I'll be back.
Eva: in a workout outfit?
Y/n: yeah:) you know it's- it's hot outside
Anna: it's 6 o'clock at night y/n. Where could you possibly be going at this time?
Y/n: one of those errands is to see Jaden if you wanna get technical.
I walked out and got in my car and started to cry.
Anna: if she really wanna get technical she better lose that attitude . Just because she's my best friend, doesn't mean I'm not afraid to smack the sh*t out of her.
I finally got to the gym and worked out for an hour. It was hot and I smelled, so I put on loads of perfume and deodorant when I got to my car. Little did I know Bryce was going to the store and he had happen to see me at the gym. Which I didn't know. I drove to the sway house cause I wanted to stop by and see Jaden. Ofc the boys acted like they didn't know. Jaden didn't even know. I walked in and closed the door.
Y/n: hey peopleee !!
Bryce: ...hey

I walked upstairs to jadens room and opened the door
Y/n: baby!!
Jaden: ah hi princess come hereeee!!!
I ran to him and jumped on him
Jaden: ow oh ok! Ok ok hii baby
He chuckled and rubbed my back
Jaden: what are you doing in a workout outfit?

Y/n: oh you know it was hot out so I wanted to umm...... put this on:)
Jaden: oh ok, well you look hot in it.
Y/n: thanks babe, I should get going, just wanted to stop by and see you:) I love youuuuu
I kissed him several times
Jaden: I love you too princess ❤️ call me when you get home
Y/n: I will bye baby
Jaden: byee :)
I closed his door , went downstairs, got my shoes on, and left sway. I drove back to JAH and went inside.
Y/n: I'm back ladies!!!
Sabrina: we made your favorite, pasta . U want some?
Y/n: um.. no I'm okay.
Anna: ok y/n what's going on with you. You've denied all meals and you barely ate anything for lunch this week at school. Is everything ok?
Y/n: what?! Of course everything's ok! Why wouldn't it be? I'm fine!

The girls looked at each other and back at me.
Emma: we know what you did
Y/n: I didn't talk smack on any of you!
Anna: not that. This.
She holds up my bl*de with bl**d on it.
Y/n: where did you get that! Give it back!
Anna: no.
Anna threw it in the trash.
Eva: why are you doing this?
Y/n: doesn't matter! Doesnt concern you guys either!!!

Mads: y/n we're here to help you! Not to harm you! Yk that right??
Y/n: mhm.
Anna: if you don't stop doing this, we will tell Jaden. If you don't or if he doesn't find out himself, trust and believe we WILL tell him.
Anna walked upstairs and slammed her door.

Y/n: I-
Eva: speechless now?
Mads: y/n you know better!
Y/n: I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a disappointment.
I slammed my bag down on the floor and rushed to my room and closed the door. I facetimed jaden.
Jaden: baby? Baby what's wrong?
Jaden paused his show. For me🥺.
Y/n: I feel like such a disappointment to everyone !!!
Jaden: baby your not. No.

Words: 600:)

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