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~ time skip , y/n was rushed to the nearest hospital. ~
Doctor: she's gonna be just fine, ma'am.
Anna: someone go get Jaden and have him wait out there, now.
I started to open my eyes. I looked around the room and didn't know where I was.
Y/n: wh-where's baby🥺
Doc: baby? Who's that?
Anna: her boyfriend, Jaden.

Jaden: Anna! I'm here!
Anna: come in J.
Jaden cries even more as soon as he saw me. I had bandages all over my face, and some on my legs.
Doctor: she has 1 broken arm, and ankle. Other than that, it's just wounds. She's gonna need crutches as well.
Jaden: when will she be out of here, doc.
He says, snapping at the doctor.
Doctor: soon, sir. Your girlfriend is gonna be just fine.
Jaden: that, I know! I'm saying is she gonna be out of here within a week!
Doctor: yes, Jaden. Yes. The latest she'll have to stay here is all day tomorrow, then the next day she can go home.
Y/n: baby c- here
Jaden walks up to me & I take his hand.
Y/n: u know how strong I am. You've seen me. Right?
Jaden nods.
Y/n: I'm gonna be okay, I can go home in 2 days. I just need a few things of mine from JAH. Can u go with the girls to the house and get them?
Jaden: the basic everyday things? Yes. It's just really like- I'm just- I have no words. It's- it just. I'm hurting, baby. I'm hurting to see you this way.
Y/n: I only need the crutches for a week. After that, I just limp for almost a good month.
Jaden: oh, oh ok.
Eva came in the room out of nowhere & handed me my phone and charger.
Y/n: since when did you have my phone?
Eva: we've had it all day, you brought it to school and dropped it when you were running out. Nothings cracked don't worry.

Y/n: but the real reason I ran out, was not only because I didn't wanna be here anymore, I saw a little girl getting her ball. The car was about to hit her so I ran and pushed her out of the way so the car hit me.
Jaden: baby.... you are so brave and so kind. That shows how good of a person you really are. I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too.
Sabrina: we'll be back with the rest of your things tomorrow y/n. Assuming you won't need much since your only gonna be here for another day.
Doctor: ok guys, visiting time is over. Say your goodbyes, and you'll see her tomorrow same time as today.
Everyone but Jaden: bye y/n we love you 🥺🥺
Y/n: I love y'all too, bye 🥺
Jaden came up to me and held my hand.
Jaden: I'll be right out maam. Baby, I'll FaceTime u when I get home, ok?
Y/n: mhm, I love you baby ok? I'll be home soon in 2 days.
Jaden: I love you too baby 🥺❤️

Jaden left the hospital in tears. I felt so so bad. He called me as soon as he got home.
Jaden: some people wanna see you baby
He pointed the phone at the boys
Josh: feel better buddy we love ya
Y/n: th-Anks.
Jaden went to his room and laid down, and watched tv. I saw tears running down his eyes .
Y/n: bubba look at me
Jaden looked at me with his jaw clenched and tears in his eyes.
Y/n: I'm gonna be okay baby. I told you that.
Jaden: I know. I just miss you and I'm hurting really bad right now.
Y/n: I know, but I'll be home in a few days.
Jaden: will you fall asleep otp w me
Y/n: ofc :))

~ the next morning @ the hospital , 9 am. Jadens birthday! ~
Nurse: good morning honey! I'm just here to check how your feeling and how your arm and legs are feeling.
She feels them.
Nurse: why your a fast healer! Your all healed!
Y/n: how on earth do I heal in a day?
Nurse: you did in your sleep, honey. Your all set to go home today!
I was on mute on ft w jaden, so he didn't hear. I unmuted myself really quick.
Y/n: baby I'll call you right back
J was sleeping but I hung up & called Sab .
Sabrina: hello?
Sabrina: what what did I do now ?
Y/n: don't tell anyone but...
I'm coming home, I'm coming home...
(Don't) tell the world I'm coming home.
Let the rain, wash away.
All the pain of yesterday.
Sabrina: OMG! YES! I'll play that song on the big speaker that I have!!!
Y/n: I have a really nice dress too!

Sabrina: OMG! YES! I'll play that song on the big speaker that I have!!! Y/n: I have a really nice dress too!

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I put it on to show her.
Sabrina: YOU CAN STAND ???
She whisper screams.
Y/n: yeah. Nurse said I can cause I "healed throughout the night" somehow
Sabrina: woah!!! That's so cool! See you at school then.
Y/n: bye bub!!!
I hung up and got ready.
Nurse: alright honey, wow you look beautiful. Come.
She lead me out of the hospital and I got in my car and drove to school. Everyone was there & Sab came in with her speaker.
Jaden: why did u bring that
She smirks and plays the song.
I'm coming home.... I'm coming home....
I started to walk in as the song started, as a surprise. Jaden turned around and his jaw dropped. He was balling his eyes out while hugging me. He rubbed my back w his hands and cried.
Y/n: happy birthday baby. I love you.
Jaden: I love you too🥺🖤!
Y/n: was this a great present?
Jaden: yes! Yes indeed it was
Sabrina: did you have any idea 😏
Jaden: no, you did! Ah Sab!

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Words: 1000:)

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