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Jaden: look at me, ok it's just me.
That's a signal for the boys to leave the room, so it's now just me and Jaden.
Jaden: your okay, alright I'm right here with you.
Y/n: Jaden- j-a-den
Jaden: that's me sweetheart. (His nickname for you) your gonna be okay, alright? Take 3 deep breaths with me ok. In...out(x3). How do you feel?
Y/n: I'm better...
Jaden: ok, are you gonna be ok for the night?
I nodded.
Jaden: ok, hit me up if you need anything ok?
Y/n: ok ... I'll miss you
Jaden: I'll miss you too sweetheart. See you tomorrow.

Me and Jaden nodded as they left the room. All the girls slowly walked in and backed up.
Y/n: you guys can come close you know, I'm not gonna bite you.
Anna: we thought you were gonna.
Y/n: listen I may get mad at you guys I may give attitude to you guys but I will never, ever bite you guys.
Dev came and hugged me.
Y/n: you I'm sorry for my attitude.
Devyn: don't worry about it girlie :)
Sab: anyone wanna watch a movie downstairs ?
Y/n: yea but first eva where's that favorite sweater of yours that I love
Eva: brought it right here

She gives me one of her fav sweaters that I love and I put it on.
Anna: can you get up you need help walking ?
Y/n: I'm not cripple, Anna. I can walk.
We all walked downstairs.
Y/n: can someone get a face cloth and wet it? My head hurts.
Emma: on it.
She did that and came back w it.
Y/n: thanks girl
Emma: ofc
We watched a movie then went to bed.

The next morning, 655 am. I got out of bed cause it was my day to wake everyone up in the house. Dev, Anna, Eva, Sab, and Emma. Since Mads left. I woke them up and we shortly got going. I saw my sister, Avani.
Avani: ah I haven't talked to you in ages! How've you been?
Y/n: Avani I've tried to talk to you but you've avoided me because every time I've tried you've always been with Anthony.
Ant: aye I heard my name!
Y/n: mind your business ant, this doesn't concern you.
Avani: that's not true, I do talk to you when I'm with Ant.
Y/n: barely
I start to walk away until she pulls my arm.
Avani: look, I promise I'll make more time for you.
Y/n: I'll believe that when I see it.
I pulled my arm out of her hand and walked away. Sooner or later I walked into class and Mads was with me.
Mads: hey girl! I saw what happened between you and your sis, you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine I just wish my sister would make more time for me🥲.
Mads: hey, remember your like a sister to me. And family doesn't require blood, it requires love.
Y/n: your right:) I love you Mads.
Mads: I love you too, now let's go sit.

We sat down and class was in session.
Teacher: y/n what is that missing blank?
Y/n: don't?
She wrote it down meaning I was right.
??- ok NERDDDD.
Y/n: you wanna come suck my toes?
??- EW.
Y/n: exactly so shut up.
Teacher: ok everyone shut up.
She kept teaching then class ended. Me and Mads were the first ones to leave.

Words: 590:)

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