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~ after lunch ~

Sab: ok guys let's go oh! There they are. Y/n go!
Y/n: but- fineee😕
I walked up to the boys and leaned against a locker.
Jaden: hey, you okay?
I got off the locker and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said: jump. I jumped and he picked me up.
Jaden: what's wrong ?
Y/n: I just needed another hug://
Jaden: aww. Ok:)
Y/n: thanks Jaden.. I'll text you later
Jaden: ok bye :))

I walked back to the girls until the boys could no longer see us.
We all were whisper screaming
Devyn: I was right and you were wrong (x3)
Y/n: ok dev whatever! I'll get you Starbucks after school.
Devyn: as you should.

We all went to Starbucks cause I owed dev.
Y/n: there. Take your Starbucks and leave me alone.
Devyn: thank you!
Anna: y/n you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine! Just leave me alone!
Sab: if you didn't wanna get her Starbucks I could've and said it was from you
Devyn: hey!
Y/n: oh shut up she's not being for real.
Eva: omg will you guys stop fighting! Both of you lose the attitudes!
Devyn: I didn't have one
Eva: idc if y'all did or not! Lose it.

We finally got back to the house, when Sab pulled me aside.
Sab: are you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine. Why.
Sab: I know your not. Come here.
She leans me in for a hug and I just hug her. She feels my tears on her shirt.
Sab: hey don't cryyy we all have our days like these.
Eva: woah! Y/ns crying !
Y/n: see I didn't want it to be a big thing!
Anna: it is bc your crying! U never cry!
Y/n: that's because what I do is text Sab or Jaden, or stare at a wall and watch my heart break into a million pieces.

I let go of Sab and went into my room and locked the door.
Sab: y/n open this door
Y/n: no! Go away!
Anna: y/n if you don't open this door right now ima have the boys come open it.
Y/n: go ahead call the boys idc
Eva: alright then, she said she don't care so go call them.
Devyn: already on it
Dev called Bryce.

Bryce: hello?
Devyn: will you guys come to JAH, y/n won't open the door cause she told us to go away, she cried in sabs arms, and she won't talk to anyone .
Bryce: we're on the way
Dev hung up.
Devyn: the boys are on their way.

5 minutes later the boys arrive and come up to my door.
Bryce: y/n Gregg open this door right now.
Bryce: josh go around to her window and open the door
Josh: got it
Josh came around to my window and let himself in. He picked me up over his shoulder and opened my door.
Josh: what time do you guys want her back
Anna: keep her overnight 😳
Josh brought me down the stairs and let me down.
Josh: hey hey hey who's that
I look up and see Jaden. He came up to me and hugged me.

Words: 563:)

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