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Jadens pov:
It's been a few hours, it's about 7 pm now. I heard y/n move around a little bit like she was almost gonna fall off the bed. I lifted her back up and she looked up at me.
Jaden: you were gonna fall off the bed love .
She nodded then layed her head back on my chest. She grabbed her phone and checked her social media's. She sat up and sat on me, making straight on eye contact.
Y/n: Jaden I need to tell you something ...
Jaden: yes love ?
Y/n: I've developed um... you know how you like me ?
Jaden: you like me back ? Is that what your trying to tell me?
She nods. I was shocked.
I quickly got up and walked over to my desk, and got out a bag and gave it to her.

Y/ns pov:
Jaden handed me a bag from his desk he quickly went to get. It was a cute pink bear and a card.
Jaden: y/n, would you wanna be my girlfriend?
Y/n: yeah🥺❤️
Jaden picked me up and spun me around as my arms were around his neck. He put me down and kissed me.
Jaden: I'm so happy you said yes bub
Y/n: me too
Y/n: but when are we gonna tell everyone else
Jaden: let em' figure it out baby ;)
Y/n: ok if you say so ..
I walked over to Jadens mirror and just stood there. Sooner or later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and felt a face sit on my shoulder.

Jadens pov:
I walked up to y/n from behind and hugged her, while setting my face on her shoulder and kissed her.
Jaden: hi baby :) you look so cute
I kissed her on her cheek
Y/n: thank you baby
Jaden: your welcome, I'm gonna go get some food downstairs
Y/n: nooooo stay with meeeeee
Jaden: I will when I come backkkkkkk
Y/n: then I'll comeeeeee-
Jaden: noooo babyyy get some restttttttt
She gave me a pouty face as I walked out of the room.

Y/ns pov:
Jaden wouldnt let me go downstairs with him when he said he'd be back. So I decided to try to tease Jaden by putting some shorts on, and a tank top that shows a little much.

 So I decided to try to tease Jaden by putting some shorts on, and a tank top that shows a little much

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I got some shorts and a shirt on to sort of tease Jaden but not really. I walked out and walked past Quinton.
Q: y/n what-
Y/n: what? When did you get here?
Q: um like 10 minutes ago, when did you get here ?
Y/n: I've been here all day, and I'm leaving tomorrow. Do you know where Jaden is ?
Q: down-... downstairs...
I walked downstairs and saw Jaden, Josh, Bryce, Anthony, and Griffin.

Jaden gives me a look as I walk over to the fridge to get a water. As I do, jaden pulls me from behind and leans me against his chest and whispers:
Jaden: what the hell are you wearing I can almost see your a$$. Not only that but your wearing something revealing!
Y/n: what? Do you not like it?
I say as I get off of him.
Jaden: no I do but-
Y/n: then there shouldn't be a problem, right?;)
Jaden: oh you are so gonna pay for this
Bryce: y/n you won't call him d***y
Y/n: d***y.
I called Jaden that and walked upstairs. I closed jadens door and he quickly came up, and I was pinned down against the door.
Jaden: what the hell were you thinking playing with my mind princess?
Y/n: sorry... I just wanted to have fun:((
Jaden: hey, it's okay. You can have fun if you want to.
Y/n: but I just wanna be happy:// I feel like I'm just not. Like I lost myself again.
Jaden: hey before we go to bed tonight we're gonna pray about your dad ok? He's gonna be okay.
Y/n: okay ://
Jaden: what do you wanna do baby?
Y/n: I um...I don't know

Jaden: you wanna go grab some McDonald's ?
Y/n: yeah!
I jumped up and down 2 times as I got jadens slippers on.
Jaden: my slippers baby 😂
Y/n: yes they're comfy don't judge me
Jaden: 😂 ok come on you
Jaden chuckled and grabbed his keys and we went downstairs.
Y/n: we're going to McDonald's no ones getting anything unless you go yourself
Josh: she's wearing your-
Jaden: I know, I let her.
Josh: alright

I got in Jadens car as he came to the car too. He put the key in the ignition and I grabbed his hand.
Jaden: are you okay baby ?
Y/n: will you hold my hand?
Jaden: I'll do this
He puts his hand on my th*gh and starts driving.
Y/n: yay thank you baby :)
Jaden: your welcome princess :)

Words: 832:)

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