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Eva: hey ladies:)
Mads: hey
Y/n: hey
Eva: any tea?
Mads: I got nothing
Y/n: girl you always got nothing
Mads: sigh.. the usual..
Eva: y/n how about you whatcha got
Y/n: I'm gonna wait to tell you girls back at the house.. actually I'll tell. I think Jadens kinda cute...
Eva: no way!
Mads: that's so cute!

Mads: you should see if he's gonna ask you to winter formal next week.
Y/n: I doubt that.
Eva: you never know...
We all went to lunch and sat with the girls.
Sab: guys, I'm gonna go sit w the boys cause Cooper is there 🥵
Y/n: I'm coming cause Jadens there
Anna: Simps
Y/n: shush!
Sab: hey guys, mind if we sit w y'all?
Josh: have a seat
Me and Sab sit down. She sits next to coop and I sit next to Jaden.
Jaden: hey what's up?
Y/n: hi not much...
Jaden: you alright?
Y/n: mhm

We were all enjoying our lunch , when the principal came up to me and handed me a note.

We're sorry to inform you this, but your dad has been sent to the hospital this morning at 9 am. He's not in good condition.. you can come see him tomorrow.

I put the note back in my pocket, and sat there in shock. My eyes were watering and I was looking down.
Jaden: hey, you okay?
Sab: what did the note say?
Y/n: don't- don't worry about it it's family
I got up and grabbed my things and walked away.
Anna was chasing me.
Anna: hey hey what's wrong
Y/n: don't worry ab it!!!
I ran out of the school since the bell rang.
I went home and calmed myself down. The girls shortly came home after me. I texted Sab saying I was going to see Jaden to tell the girls.
I knocked on the door and Noah answered.
Noah: hey, what's wrong?
Noah: in his room wh-
I shoved him out of his way and went upstairs. I knocked on Jadens door and heard he was on a game.
Jaden: who is it
I cried.
Jaden: oh sh*t guys I gotta get off

Jaden comes and opens the door and I just hug him.
Jaden: hey hey -
Jaden picks my head up with his hand and wipes my tears, but more just keep coming down.
Jaden: what happened?
I handed Jaden the note and he read it.
Jaden: aww y/n I'm sorry
He hugged me again.
Jaden: you wanna watch a movie?
I nodded.
Jaden: ok, hoodies are in my closet. I'll be downstairs .
Y/n: nooo jaden don't leeeaaaave meeeeeee
Jaden: y/nnnnn I'm sorryyyyyy but I have toooo real quicccccckkkkkk
Y/n: stop being mean to me 🥺🥺
Jaden: okay I'm sorry, but I'll be right back ok I promise.
Y/n: fine.

Jadens pov:
Y/n gave me a pouty face as I started to walk out of the room.
Jaden: enough with the pouty face or I won't come back up
She quickly takes the pouty face off and I smiled at her. I went downstairs and seen Bryce, Anthony, and Griffin.
Bryce: what's up J, what was she all upset about?
Jaden: her dads in the hospital and he's not doing too good.
Bryce: aww...
Anthony: what's she doing now?
Jaden: waiting for me so we can watch a movie
Griffin: then go up there man wyd
Jaden: griffin no one asked you mind your business
I have Griffin a dirty look and went back upstairs to find y/n asleep.
I walked over to her lightly shaked her.

Y/ns pov:
I felt like shakes and opened my eyes and saw Jaden.
Jaden: fell asleep there princess?
Y/n: mmm don't call me that
Jaden: I'll call you whatever I want to as your best friend love
He laughed at me, and I turned the opposite way and pulled the blanket over my head.
Jaden pulled the blanket off of me so it was only on my waist down.
Jaden: you went to sleep without me 🥺
Y/n: I'm sorry that you didn't come back up in time for when I closed my eyes.
Jaden: well come on let's go to sleep
Y/n: I can't now! I woke up and can't fall back asleep.
Jaden: lay down, I can make it happen.
I layed down on his chest and he started doing those cute head scratches to make a girl fall asleep.
Y/n: I'm go- cancel u-
Jaden: see your slowly falling asleep. I'm never wrong 😌
Y/n: whatever ok
I don't even know what I'm saying , just mumbling words. We fell asleep..

Words: 800:)

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