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Jaden: here princess I brought you some snacks to eat when you feel better
Y/n: awe my favorites 🥺🥺 thx baby 🥺❤️
Jaden: your welcome bub, are you able to stand up?
Y/n: let me try
I tried to stand up but my body hurts so much that I slumped back down onto my bed.
Y/n: it hurts too much to stand
Jaden: here come on my back
Jaden gave me a piggy back ride downstairs where all the girls were.
Y/n: guys

Devyn: is this the thing you need to tell us?
Y/n: yeah 🥺 Jaden tell them
Jaden: I asked her out 2 days ago
Y/n: and now we're dating
I dug my head deeper into Jadens neck and snuggled it there.
Jaden: are you alright?
Y/n: 🥺will you come cuddle with me
Jaden: aww baby I have to goo:( I have an eye appointment
Eva: you really pick the wrong times to have appointments jaden.
Jaden: it's the only time they have til 2 more months! Anyway, I'll be back ok baby ? 🖤
Y/n: NOO stay with meeee🥺
Jaden: I can't princess I'll be late for my apt
Jaden: come here
He gives me a bunch of kisses then sets me down.
Y/n: 🥺🥺🥺I love you
Jaden: I love you too princess ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jaden left JAH. I was all sad and almost started crying.
Sabrina: here y/n do you want me to come cuddle with you til Jaden gets back?
I nodded. I went upstairs and layed down, Sab let me lay on her chest as we watched a movie. An hour passes by, and someone entered the front door.

Devyn: special delivery for y/n gregg
Y/n: I didn't order anyth- baby !!!!!
Jaden: hi princess , Sab I'll take over from here
Sabrina: she missed you so much so she had me pretend to be you
Jaden: aww baby your so cute 🥰🤚🏻
Y/n: tanks 🥰🥰
Jaden: I'll tell you what, if you behave, and be a good girl, and no not that way. I mean no attitude, I'll spend the night. If that's okay w them.
Sabrina: it's fine
Jaden: well then.
Y/n: OTAY🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Sabrina: yeah I think you know this but she's obsessed with kallmekris on TikTok
Jaden: I thought you were obsessed with me🥺🥺
Y/n: I am baby! 🥰🥰
Jaden: are you? Prove it to me🥺🥺
Y/n: come here then and stop being a baby
Jaden comes over to me and lays on me like a baby.
Jaden: you wanna call me a baby? Now hold me like one.
Sabrina: omg😂
Y/n: bye Sab
Sabrina: lol byeeeeee cuties
She shut my door and Jaden layed on my shoulder.
Jaden: how you feeling baby
Y/n: it was something I ate I'm fine now:)
Jaden: are you sure?
Y/n: ugh yes!

Jaden nods and I get up.
Jaden: oooo do a little spin for me 😏
I did a spin for him. Then went and threw it back.
Jaden: do that again baby
Y/n: why
Jaden: it felt nice
Y/n: dude, no.
Jaden lightly slams me against the wall.
Jaden: do it again 😏
Y/n: if I do it again can I go
Jaden: yes angel
I did it again. But slower to impress him.
Jaden: I'm impressed princess;) u can go now

Y/n: geez!
Sabrina: what's wrong?
Y/n: nothing! Jaden just made me throw it back on him twice!
Devyn: ooooooo 👀
Jaden: it felt nice ok!
Anna: Jaden just admit that your a simp over my girl
Jaden: aye aye shes my girl!
Anna: I know it's a joke bud
Y/n: come here baby
Jaden walked over to me and tightly hugged me around my waist and rested his head on my chest.
Jaden: your mine and only mine
He mumbled into my neck making it tickle
Y/n: yes baby I'm your & your mine.

Next chapter will involve mentions of ⚠️self harm// su1c1d3.⚠️

Words: 680:)

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