Chapter 2

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"See you later my princess, father called me in for the early shoot. Sorry my love to not be there when you woke up," Adrien left a note beside her after the night together.

Marinette sighed as she remembers that he was going to go out to London with his father's fashion show. She looked at her phone to see the message from the news last night and sighed, "No matter what it still didn't change that they were seen together as Marichat."

"So what are you going to do Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"Well he's going to hate it but we have to spend time apart," Marinette shrugs as she looked through her phone, "Let's go Zoe say Mrs. Burgeious has a new project."

After the incident on the news, Marinette was surrounded by the news and paparazzi. After getting comments from Adrien himself as Chat Noir and himself the news outlets stopped going so much after Marinette. However, she didn't want to risk it as she tried to avoid interacting with him as a hero and civilian to avoid any conclusions that they were the same person.

She had tried to avoid him by lying to be busy when whenever he wanted to take her on a date or come over for a few weeks even.

"Marinette do you have to be so harsh on him?" Tikki asked as Marinette was sewing in a workshop in her apartment.

"You know I don't want too but you knew he is so careless with our identities on the line," Marinette sighed as she wasn't proud of ignoring him, "With being a guardian, a hero, and a designer it has been more stressful. Since Guardian Fu won't let me tell Adrien anything I'm doing. I am now keeping more secrets it's not even about the news anymore."

"But hiding from him pretending it is, is not working. You know he's persistent..." Tikki says as she was cut off by tapping on the window.

"What?!"She says as looks toward the balcony window which she had covered to protect the Kwamis, "This how he got here in the first place." Marinette sighed as she went out to find Chat Noir on the railing of her apartment balcony.

"Mari?" Chat Noir asked in a concerned tone, "Are you okay?"

Marinette looks at him on the railing. It reminded her of when he came over before knowing his true identity. She nodded as she went beside him to lean on the railings, "Better how about you?"

"I am feline fine now that I have seen you," Chat Noir smiled.

"I just needed some time."

"Who? Marinette, Ladybug, or the guardian?" He asked knowing that with Shadowmoth causing more mayhem she is never getting a break.

"They're all me," Marinette chuckled as she looks out into the city. When she picked out her apartment she made sure that she would have from transforming into Ladybug.

"Yeah, remember when they all were different people," Chat Noir says as they kept each other going in circles from not knowing each other identities.

"I got tired of lying always hiding my secret identity. Everything just so draining til I met you on my balcony," Marinette reminded when he came the first time to save her from the Evilustrator, "But now Chat Noir I need you to save me, I've been feeling so down, these responsibilities make me feel so alone. These responsible me feel so undone is this in my head, I don't know what to think.

"Claws in, " Chat Noir says to untransformed into Adrien to go pull Marinette in an embrace, "You have me Marinette you'll never have to be alone. I love you, you're more than a friend you know. Let's end this heartbreak, you know you can trust me. It's always me and you against the world m'lady."

Marinette couldn't press away as she pulls his head down to kiss her, "I'm sorry."

"I feel like it's been forever since I last got a taste of your lips," Adrien sighed in relief.

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