Chapter 6

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Marinette woke slowly, rolling onto her back. She was so warm. It was lovely. The blanket was pulled up to just cover her chest, one leg laying outside of it.

She heard a grunt beside her and she froze. She wasn't alone. She peeked through her eyelids to see a tumble of blonde hair. Green eyes blinked blearily at her. She turned her head back around, not ready to talk yet. She had never really been a morning person. A long, pale arm snaked out to encircle her waist, drawing her body closer to his. She would never admit it, but she liked the feel of him encircled around her, his head resting on top of hers as his fingers walked up and down her ribs, skimming her hip and the curve of her breast.

She felt his knee cross over to pin her knees down. Hot fingers trailed across her ribs to move up the middle of her chest as she feigned disinterest below him. Delicately, he fingered the necklace still around her neck. She was surprised that they had let her keep it the day before. He gently lifted the pendant, running his thumb along its edge. Setting it back down, he trailed his finger along the satin ribbon, making Marinette have to repress a twitch.

"How are you doing princess?" His voice was gravelly, still heavy with sleep. It rumbled through the bed to vibrate her form. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Huh," Marinette murmured, "What happened?"

"Oh," His voice was quiet. "Last night I was being a jealous jerk. Tikki called saying you were having a fever. I came over and found you on the couch."

She turned her head to look at him as she fell her head throb His eyes were trained on her face, he was sincere, she could see it on his face, "Wait so I was sleeping when you came."

"Uh,yeah. Sorry if I used Plagg to break in. You were really sick Mari when I came," Adrien explained, "Seems like your better now."

She sat up quickly; and she started to wrap the sheet around herself relieved it was a dream, "It didn't feel like I was sick."

A hard, warm body pulled her back down, the arm that had been around her waist now seizing her wrists and hauling them above her head, "Good, cause Princess I have a question of what you were dreaming about last night."

"Uhhh," Marinette started to blush as recall the dream, "I... I don't remember."

Adrien pinned her to the bed, rising above her to place his knees on either side of her hips. She bucked against him, trying to twist her way from his grip. "Adrien, let me go."

He shook his head, his hair falling in this face, looking down at her, studying her, "Are you lying?"

His free hand brushed the hair from his face and landed beside her face, "Uh, no!"

"Your stuttering!" Adrien exclaimed with a sad expression.

"I can't control what I dream Adrien," Marinette admitted as she knew she was actually upsetting him.

"Wait... It wasn't me!" Adrien argues as he was just teasing her for having a sexual dream.

"Uh, yeah... but, Adrien I don't want to talk about it!" Marinette blushes in embarrassment.

"No you need to tell me," He begged then he thought about what he was asking, "Actually don't... wait...Well, I..."

"No look at me," Marinette pull his face towards hers, "Forget about it. Please... It wasn't okay with what was going on in that dream. I didn't hate it cause you were there and that what does matter."

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