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Announcement: If you were able to see the pictures before they were flagged then you are an Elite reader of Sinful Nap, here some Holy Water 💦 But that said I am not allowed to use to smexy 18+ illustrations on Wattpad due to their guidelines. So all previous images have been removing so if you want to see them, thereby TheFriskyViper on Instagram 

"So how are you and Adrien doing?" Alya asks as she and she were eating out for lunch at Adrien's apartment.

"Good," Marinette shrug as she was drinking her drink.

"So any wedding bells soon? You guys have been dating since secondary," Alya commented.

Marinette sighed knowing that Adrien would want to go that path. But that where she did set the limit, she would not want to pursue further in the relationship until Shadowmoth was defeated, "I'm just not ready for that commitment Alya."

"Best friend who was obsessed with Adrien since the day she met. Literally had his entire schedule and planned your entire future with him with a hamster and three kids. Who is now dating him and his alter ego madly in love says What?!" Alya listed.

Marinette took a breath as she rubbed her head in exhaustion, "It's more complicated than that."

"What's complicated? You love him, he loves you. It means you should get married then..."

Marinette cut her off, "settle down?"

"Yeah! My kid needs a best friend," Alya smiled trying to convince her.

"You know we can't," Marinette argues.

"But you guys know each..." Alya was about to discuss how they were perfect for each other and how honest they are each other

"We can't even live in the same apartment," Marinette stated to not continue the conversation.

"Is it about his dad? I thought you guys figure..."

"No, well yes. He thinks I take away from the Agreste brand but I'm not offended because I can't be in the public eye like Adrien. I can't have that kind of pressure of being his girlfriend to the public. To the public, we are some rumor, just friends who hang out."

"But you guys know you're more than that," Alya reassures.

"But we're heroes, we shouldn't have known each other identities," Marinette replies, "Thanks for that."

"Wait you knew that it was me!" Alya replies as she released an image of her transforming back when she was just dating Chat Noir as Marinette.

"That's why I didn't tell you till later my identity," Marinette commented.

"But you guys have been doing great living both worlds. Now you guys share everything," Alya tries to argue again about marriage.

"But I'm not, that the problem. I am still hiding things from him. Yes, we know each other identity. Yes, we cope in trying to be a normal couple in secret but we can't. Marriage is trust and honesty. Until I can truly be honest with him we're not going to go farther. Or settle down, there so much at stake if we let out guard down."

"AND have you told him this?" Alya asked out of curiosity.

"Maybe... it should be obvious he isn't oblivious," Marinette commented.

"Uh, how long did it take for him to know your identity? I figured out Nino was Carapace in less time," Alya replies to make a point.

"That was different," Marinette sighed, "We're heroes so we should be on the same page, right?"

"Girl I don't know, I just know that he head of over heels for you as much as you are of him," Alya commented.

"I love him and you know that," Marinette replied sadly.

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