Chapter 10

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"Girl why is pretty boy still not talking to you?" Alya asked as she watches Adrien and Marinette pass each other through the halls of the offices.

"Me and the husband are still broken up, " Marinette sighed upsets, "he won't even talk to me."

"Are you serious?" Alya asked in disbelief.

They turn to see Natalie who was approaching, "Ms. Dupain Cheng, sorry interrupt."

"It's fine Natalie, was there any concern with any of the outfits?" Marinette asked.

"Mr. Agreste sends his compliments and approval for Adrien to model. However, Adrien does have some comments," Natalie informed.

"Does he want to tell me them?" Marinette asked Natalie in a hopeful tone.

Natalie gave a sad smile as she nodded, "He noted them on the outfits."

"Thanks," Marinette sighed as Natalie excused herself.

"Is he being serious?" Alya expressed in shock.

Marinette nodded, "Alya I don't know what to do. He still thinks that I have a relationship with Luka."

"Well do you?" Alya asked.

"No!"Marinette expressed, "No... look what happened was a mistake but it didn't mean anything."

"Girl how can you kiss a guy and not mean anything?" Alya asked.

"Because I didn't kiss him. He kissed me," Marinette argued, "Adrien was right that he had deeper feelings for me when they bickered on the gala."

"Wait so there was drama before?" Alya asked.

"And an awkward dream.." she mumbled before speaking up, "He thinks I have been in a relationship with Luka. I don't know how he found out about me seeing Luka. Me and Luka were just resolving what happened with the kiss. I was leaving when Adrien found me in a compromising position."

Alya's voice went a little high pitch in her tone, "Yeah, so weird that he found out. So what did Luka say?"

"That he is in love with me," Marinette sighed as she recalls the words he said to her, "But Alya it still didn't change how I felt about Adrien. I told him I couldn't return those feelings and he understood. Adrien found us saying goodbye. Luka tried to defend me but Adrien wouldn't listen. Now I don't know what to do."

"Mari you've been with Adrien for forever... No guy has ever made you question your love for him," Alya sighed knowing she is going to hate what she says next, "What if Luka... well look you have always easily rejected guys. But you didn't with Luka."

"That's because he isn't like any other guy," Marinette explained realizing where the conversation was going.

"Is that why he was able to go in between you and Adrien? Did that kiss really mean nothing? Or were you lying to yourself to protect Adrien?" Alya concluded.

"You think I have feelings for Luka?"

"I don't know but you didn't expect him to kiss you. With Adrien you weren't going to explore it," Alya states sadly.

"But I love Adrien..." Marinette argued.

"Maybe... but this is how you can test it. Go and talk to Luka without concern for Adrien," Alya said.

"No... Bad things happen when I talk to Luka," Marinette began listing, "We kissed, we talk, and..."

"Was it really bad?" Alya questioned, "I don't want Adrien to be hurt but I don't want you to feel like you missed out."

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