Chapter 5

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"Adrien!" Marinette found him entering the event room.

Adrien chuckled as he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her cheek, "Of course! You know I wouldn't want to miss the love of my life big day in launching another miraculous collection."

"Watch what you saying," Marinette laughed as she hanged on his shoulder, " I thought you were going to Milan."

"Yeah, but a crazy thing, I lost Plagg and he broke the jet," Adrien chuckled.

"Your welcome!" Plagg responded from his front pocket.

"Well I'm sorry for your flight," Mariette eye-rolled, "But I'm glad your here."

"Seem like it another class reunion," Adrien observed as he notices his old classmates.

"You know I never exclude my friends," Marinette responds then saw that Chloe lay her hand on Adrien's shoulder. Her glare stayed stuck on her hands as she was greeting Adrien.

"How's is it going Adrikins?"

"Uh, hey Chloe weren't you in charge of the guest list?" Marinette asked.

"I was and you have awful choices of associations but now Adrien is here done doing charity work. Anyway, I'm dying of thirst. Coming Adrien?" Chloe insisted.

Marinette wanted everyone to enjoy the event even Chloe, so she excused herself as she made around the room. Marinette then went to look into the kitchen to cool off from the event.

"Hey Mmm- Marinette," Luka greeted her from behind.

"Luka!' Marinette said in surprise, "You came?!"

"Of course, anything for you. Your collection is amazing but I wouldn't expect anything less from you," Luka complimented.

"Aww thank you!" Marinette says, "Juleka did amazing modeling!"

"You are truly amazing and I bet you put this event yourself as well," Luka commented.

"It was me or Chole," Marinette laughed.

Luka got a hold of her hand, "What can't you do."

"How's is it going?" Adrien said as he entered the kitchen, "What are you doing here?"

After Adrien and Marinette started dating Luka and Adriengrown more aggressive to each other throughout the years. Luka kept his composure, "I was invited we are friends."

"Yeah right, I ruined that term," Adrien argues, "I know what it really means."

"Enough! I'm tired of your constant, unfounded arguing! I thought we were done with all that once we got out of high school," Marinette interjected.

"But, Mari," Adrien started to rebuttals.

"I and Luka were just talking to catch up. Luka, you shouldn't antognizize him. I'm fed up with both of you! Tonight this party is important for me and my carrer and there's no way you're spoiling it. So shut it or carry on your little conversation somewhere other than here." Marinette ordered as she went back to the event. Marinette was able to have a successful event and celebrate it with all her loved ones. Luka and Adrien had tried to approach her to apologize but she kept her distance and conversations short. at the end of the evening, she went home alone as Adrien was supposedly going back on his travel. She arrives home starting to doze off till she heard someone knock on her door.

"Alya?" Marinette asked as she knew she was having a difficult evening with Adrien's jealously.

"No... Can I come in?" She recognizes the voice to be Luka.

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