Chapter 13

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"Adrien we will get through this," Marinette reassured Adrien as they were in his apartments after a disappointing battle.

They both had just discovered that Shadowmoth's true identity was Gabriel after pinpointing his hideout to Adrien's home.

"But it was him all along all these years since we were kids," Adrien didn't know what to think as it been days since this discovery. "How can he do this?"

"He was doing it for you," Marinette sighed as everything made sense as she recalled the last couple of years.

"He did it for himself," Adrien argues as he walked out toward the balcony, "He lied about my mother."

Marinette followed him as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

Adrien wanted to forget what was happening. He looks back at her concerned eyes, "It's not your fault...." Adrien got her hand and place it on his cheek, "I... I just can't believe it... and your still here."

Marinette smiled up at him, "I know we been having problems with our relationship and getting back on track... but this isn't going to push me away. I'm not leaving your side, not ever."

"Even if I'm the son..."

"Of a villain? I'm not surprised he was always so cold. I would have preferred it to be Lila but it doesn't change how I love you," Marinette reassured.

"But it does change things..." Adrien sighed.

"Yeah, but we can't do anything till he reappears for the final battle," Marinette expressed sadly, "Right now he's gone and I'm here."

"So your not mad at me anymore?" Adrien asked as she was still giving him a cold shoulder before they discovered Shawdowmoth identity.

Marinette chuckled as she was only giving him a cold shoulder to torment him. However, their relationship was going back on track. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "No, I'm not mad about Kagami. I'm done putting us on hold."

"So we are okay," He whispered into her mouth as he pulled a strand of her hair from between their lips. It must have inadvertently gotten caught in her mouth when she had spoken. Patiently, Adrien raised a hand to cup her chin and gently repositioned her head so she could reach him properly.

"Yeah," After she had taken a breath, nose to nose with her lover, Marinette felt her body loosen on its own accord. No sooner had her shoulders dropped before Adrien had pressed his mouth to hers. Instead of just pressing his lips to hers.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Adrien gave her a slightly seductive smirk, moving to then entwine their lips together without warning.

She didn't immediately give in, partially from still being angry and partially from getting caught off guard. Holding her head back, restraining herself before allowing their mouths to fuse. But lust overcame the reluctance, amorous passion only taking seconds to almost swallowing her whole, causing her tongue to spring against his, not even bothering for him to grant her permission first. Unfortunately, though, Marinette slid her arms atop his shoulders just as he pulled away.

"Maybe, if we go a little further my prince," Marinette's pink lips crashed onto his firm ones in a loving kiss, she closed her blue eyes and smiled blissfully, she threw her arms around him and dragged him down onto the bed with her. Adrien's eyes on the other hand had bulged out of their sockets, but after a few seconds they finally calmed and he closed his eyes, joining in on the awesome kiss as he would call it. He tangled his fingers in her soft strands of silky hair and sighed into the kiss; his hands moved to her cheeks and touched her face softly.

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