Chapter 8

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"So why were you running late this time?" Adrien asked as they went to Marinette's own studio corner, "Did you sleep in again?"

"I..." Marinette stuttered as she didn't want to lie to Adrien, "I actually didn't sleep..."

"Huh?" Adrien asked as he watches her set her things down and pull out her sketchbook with pages spilling out.

"I stayed up all night, in this new design collection for Kitty Section," Marinette explained as she showed him the images.

"Wow, these are amazing! I'm not surprised that you didn't sleep, these are so detailed!" Adrien said with amazement as he leaned over her shoulder to look at her work.

"Yeah... I need to talk to you about something," she says timidly.

"My dear, you can talk to me about anything," he says, slightly confused. "What is it?"

"Marinette!" called out Chloe, "my mother is looking for you asap."

"She is?" Marinette looked over to see Chloe in her sashayed pose.

"Yeah, something about you modeling something," Chloe said in an unimpressed tone, "Now chop chop she's waiting."

"I'll be back," She says with a frown, too concerned with what I would say to him to complain about his term of endearment.

"Ok," Adrien smiled as he kissed her cheek as she left, "Ok so where do I go then, Chloe?"

"Oh, you know it's to be by my side Adrikins," Chloe smiled.

Marinette had gone to Mrs. Bourgeois who was on her desk swiping off sketches off her desk, "Uninspired, unimpressed, ridiculous, and so over my dead body."

"Did you call Mrs. Bourgeois?" Marinette says as she entered her studio office.

"Ah, yes Marinette? I am short on a model, so I need you to take over," she comments.

Marinette wanted to contradict as she had planned to do the other designs. But in the end, agreed as it would give her a chance to talk to Adrien. She made her way to the wardrobe and was doing the photo shoot for an hour. She finally wasn't needed as she went back to her office to change back in her clothes.

"I think I can't physically see," Marinette mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Flash photography should be illegal," Tikki muttered as she floated inside a dark shelf, "I'm going into rest."

Marinette chuckled as she refocused into the normal lighting, she began to unzip from her dress as she walked into her mini closet to find jeans and a t-shirt, just as she was about to step out of her dress, she hears a voice.

"As much as I'd appreciate the view, you probably don't want to do that," she hears Adrien's voice say from behind.

"Damn it, Adrien," she mutters as she zips my dress back, putting her hands on her hips as he approaches. "What are you doing?"

"Someone forgot to change back at wardrobe, so I decided to... surprise you and pick it up," he says with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

She rolls her eyes, "I'll take it back. I don't need Mrs. Bourgeois to yell at me for letting you touch one of the pieces. Go into the other room so I can change, and I'll be out in a minute."

"Yes, ma'am," he says formally, kissing her hand as he walks out the door, "I promise not to peak."

She quickly changed in her outfit so she can fix back the dress on the hanger. Marinette had a large office which included its own balcony. Marinette looks around to find Adrien leaning on the balcony railing. She walks up next to him and leans her head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around her. He sighs contentedly and kisses the top of her head. She knows she won't feel this for a while, after this conversation, so she closes her eyes and memorizes the feel of him around her.

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