Chapter 9

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Adrien didn't want to cause a scene at the studio, so he continues to do the photoshoot with Marinette. Marinette was working along with Mrs. Bourgeois, so she didn't have much time to notice Adrien glares towards her. Zoe and Marinette were often talking as Chloe was taking control of the photoshoot. It was at the end of the shoot Marinette realized she was missing her phone.

"Oh, no where did I leave it?" Marinette muttered as she was looking through the rack of clothing.

Adrien saw her going back to her office allowing himself to confront her.

"Marinette slow down you're going to never find it if you continue making a mess," Tikki complained as she was dodging Marinette from throwing things across the room.

"But I have to find it!' Marinette said in a panic tone.

"Looking for something Marinette?" Adrien asked as he came through the door with her phone.

"Adrien!" Marinette smiled to approach him and get her phone back, "You're a lifesaver! Where did I leave it?"

Adrien sighed, "In my dressing room... You got a couple of messages."

"I did?" Marinette asked as she started to look through her messages and found the one of Luka's read.

"When were you going to tell me about the kiss?" Adrien asked with crossed arms not trying to explode with anger.

"Uh now, "Marinette stuttered as she put the phone down to look at him, "He kissed me, but it didn't mean anything."

"Nothing? Not from what I read," Adrien scolded.

"You read my phone?" Marinette rhetorically asked as she knew that Adrien never would look through her messages, but it would explain why the message with Luka was read.

"And if I didn't were you going to hide it? I read what he wrote and you're going to tell me it was nothing," Adrien questioned as he didn't know to believe her.

"I... Adrien," she stood there, silent and still, afraid to risk a peek into Adrien's eyes. When she finally did, he nudged his chin toward her office, and she went in, with him following her. She turned to see him close the door and run his hand through his hair one time. He moved to face her, and he laughed humorlessly to himself.

"How long?" he asked quietly, still in control.

"What? This just happened within the last 24 hours," Marinette argues, outrage that he thinks that this has been happening for longer.

"And how do I know you're not lying about that? I heard you said his name when you slept," Adrien argues, "And you guys talking in the kitchen at the gala too!"

"There has never between anything between me and him but just as friends. Adrien, you have to believe me," Marinette begged.

"I want to," Adrien says as he couldn't bear seeing her distressed, "Mari, you kissed him and tried to lie to me about it."

"Adrien," Marinette says without knowing what else to say, "I didn't want to hurt you."

"What about trust?" Adrien asked, "We always were able to trust each other cause our secrets protected us. But this, I don't know what to make of it."

"You know I never wanted to hurt you," Marinette tries to explain.

"I don't know," Adrien sighed as all he wanted to do was leave, "Plagg claws out! And that's what confuses me. Look I just need some time."

Marinette pauses trying to go after him as she watches him jump out of the window, "Adrien..."


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