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I was still yet to think of anything to ask Magus after today's lesson when Leon came trough the door dressed in ripped jeans and a tight black t-shirt that hugged his muscles, he had his hair tied back low on his neck and a smirk on his face, Magus cleared his throat and I quickly turned to him feeling my cheeks redden, "Think about what you learnt and we will go over it tomorrow", thankfully he had stopped calling me princess but he still bowed before leaving the room, I looked to Leon who's smirk had turned into a panty dropping smile, "Princess..." ugh here we again, "Clara! Leon, my name is Clara, you know I would prefer if you called me by my name and not a title that I still don't believe is mine" I started to tidy the books away that had been left on the table closing the book on shifters, "are you ready to leave Clara?" the way he said my name made my knees go weak, "ready for what?" He cocked his head to the side slightly and run a hand through his hair, "our trip to the city" oh how could I forget that I made him promise to take me shopping, I jumped up excitedly, "of course, but I can't go into the city wearing this" I gestured to the floor length silk dress I wore, he gave me a knowing look before handing me a small bag, "you should change into these, you wont stick out so much in them" he stretched himself out on the  couch as I disappeared into the bathroom.

There was a grey hoody in the bag and some black joggers, both slightly too big and smelling of him, I smiled at the thought of him picking these out fore me to wear, he could of asked the maid to fetch me something from the store but instead he agreed to take me shopping. Slipping them on I pulled the hood as I made my way back to him, he arose from his seat as I entered the room without even looking in my direction, I stood in front of him then and he tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear before taking my hand and pulling through the palace halls.

As we entered the courtyard a smile crept up on his face, "seen as we don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves I'll be driving today and we will be taking my car" I couldn't help the bubble of excitement that built within me as he opened the passenger to a ford mustang and motioned for me to get in, "you have got to be kidding me" I said as soon as he got in beside me, "this is your car?" his smile turned into a grin and I could of sworn his eye color changed slightly. We sped of through the gates and straight towards the mall, as much as Faerie is different from the human world it also quite similar, they have cars and malls and to my relief they also have a Starbucks, and Elphame reminded me of Chicago so much I started to feel homesick. I squealed in delight as we wondered around the mall, Leon would not let go of my hand though, insisting it was a precaution like I was a small child he might loose in the crowd. 

We shopped for three hours and I was fully kitted out with all the essential outfits, no more silk dresses for me. As we walked through the parking lot, Leon released his hold on my hand to retrieve the car keys from his pocket as he balanced my shopping in his other hand an old woman literally appeared out of nowhere, I tried to sidestep her but she grabbed onto my arm and I turned to Leon to find he wasn't there and we were no longer in the parking lot, all around me was mist and rubble from crumbling buildings and a hopeless feeling in the pit of my stomach, the old woman let go of my arm then, "who are you? where did you take me?" the woman's breathing came out shaky, "I am Madame Sybil and I am the prophetess who foresaw your future my dear Clara", my heart rate increased, "where are we?" my voice sounded more confident then I felt, "Between" she gestured around us, "though the humans call it purgatory, Between is the realm in between the realm of the Fae and the Realm of the Humans" none of this was making sense to me but surely I should be used to this kind of weird shit by now right? She grabbed my arm again and continued walking, pulling me along with her, "Clara, you are the only one powerful enough to save our realm" she was wheezing, "save it from what?" I stepped carefully so as not to trip on any of the rubble, "the darkness, it follows you, it wants to claim you, but you cant let that happen, you need to find yourself Clara, your blood may be the purest of royal but that is not enough, you must stick with Leandor and find yourself" we stopped walking again and I pulled her to face me "how?" She merely gave me small smile, "only you know and only you can find out", she let go of my arm and disappeared as quickly as she arrived.

 I looked around to see I was back in the parking lot, Leon was running toward me, looking concerned and murderous at once, "Clara, are you ok? what happened?" I shivered at the memory of Between the same hopeless, empty feeling washes over me , "Madame Sybil, she took me to Between and told me the darkness is following me, Leon what does she mean?" his face softened slightly as he took in how scared I truly was and I let him lead me toward the car but clung on to him as he tried to guide me into the seat, "she said I  need to find myself that my royal blood is purest but not enough and only I have the power to heal the realm, Leon what is happening?" I felt the hot tears stream down my face as he pulled me toward him his strong arms going around me in a hug, "it means there is more to the prophecy then she originally said", I felt myself calm in his arms like if i stayed there nothing bad would ever happen to me.

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